
Wheatear influx

Wheatear influx

An obvious influx of Wheatear overnight with at least 5 birds on the reserve. Check out the fields next to the railway crossing beyond Long Hedge. Also there 10+ Corn Bunting, Linnet, Skylark and Pied Wagtail. A Green Sandpiper on Woodend Marsh is new i

17 April 2019

First Whimbrel

First Whimbrel

Overcast for most of the day with light winds so feeling milder, a little rain in the afternoon. Belated news from Sunday, a note left by visiting birders late on reported a Ring Ouzel on the reserve. This would have been the 4th record for Martin Mere. T

16 April 2019

Eight species of Raptor!

Eight species of Raptor!

Sunday updates on the go. A flock of 66 Curlew dropped in along the back of the Mere for an hour mid morning.Two Common Sandpiper on the Mere. At least 2 Little Ringed Plover, 17 Ruff, 70+ Avocet, 40+ Lapwing, 4 Redshank, 50+ Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Oyster

14 April 2019

Grasshopper Warbler

Grasshopper Warbler

Another frosty start and plenty of sunshine. A Grasshopper Warbler was heard reeling on the Reed Bed between the second platform and the Sewage Works, an early record here. At least two Bearded Tit on the Reed Bed again this morning. Common Sandpiper on t

13 April 2019

Sunshine and Sandpipers

Sunshine and Sandpipers

Very sunny but chilly weather over the past couple of days with few new arrivals, but still lots of variety to be seen. At least 2 Common Sandpipers on site at the moment, with the first bird on the Mere yesterday, although with several sightings from var

12 April 2019

Wednesday Map

Wednesday Map


10 April 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Today's featured image taken by placement student Elise Sutton is of one of the first Lapwing nests. Absolutely perfect weather for these birds at the moment. The chicks could be out on the reserve in the next few weeks, hope the weather holds for them. T

9 April 2019

Bearded Reedlings

Bearded Reedlings

When a flock of 12+ Bearded Reedling turned up last October we were fairly confident that they would hang around and possibly even breed. The Reed Bed has been established over 15 years. Since then they have proven to be very elusive. A group of at least

8 April 2019

White Wagtail

White Wagtail

ABFirst White Wagtail of the year feeding around the edge of the Mere early morning only. Two Little Ringed Plover on the Mere, both male if the aggressive behaviour between them is anything to go by. An influx of Blackcap and Willow Warbler today with a

7 April 2019

Willow Warbler

Willow Warbler

Great start to the day blue skies, sunshine and the first Willow Warbler of the year singing inside the Grounds by the Canoe Safari. No shortage of Chiffchaff (below) with at least 8 singing males around the reserve. One hundred and one Avocet on site. A

6 April 2019

Tern Sp.

Tern Sp.

A Common or Arctic Tern was reported early afternoon flying North through the reserve, a very early record here. A young Peregrine spent a while on the reserve in the morning. Other raptors included Marsh Harrier, Buzzard and Kestrel. A Barn Owl was roost

5 April 2019

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

A ringtail Hen Harrier has been seen again this afternoon from Ron Barker Hide. Other sightings today include a Little Ringed Plover on the far side of the Mere which was also present yesterday. Good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit with at least 110 around

4 April 2019

Sunday Sightings

Sunday Sightings

A brief update. See previous few days for a fuller picture. First Blackcap of the year, a male singing near the Kingfisher Hide.A flock of c.70 Whooper Swan still present.At least 9 Sand Martin through.At least 6 Med Gull present on the Mere.

31 March 2019

Saturday Sightings

Saturday Sightings

Some good birding at the start of the day out on the perimeter of the reserve. This outer path can be accessed before the reserve opens by parking in the Car Park (8am onward, note the Car Park closes 6pm from tomorrow).The first Green Sandpiper of the ye

30 March 2019

Common Scoter

Common Scoter

A pair of Common Scoter spent yesterday on the Mere, but, not surprisingly, moved on overnight.Still lots of wildfowl on the Mere though, with Whooper Swan, Shoveller, Pintail, Wigeon, Teal, Goldeneye (including 1 male) and Tufted Duck constantly on view.

29 March 2019