
New Record Count!

New Record Count!

We keep smashing the record count of Black-tailed Godwit (featured image). This morning 2800 have flown onto the reserve. A truly spectacular sight, particularly in flight. More heavy rain overnight and high water levels across the site but they are drop

31 July 2019

After the rain

After the rain

Nearly 24 hours of rain over the weekend has put the water levels up considerably round the reserve. Once the levels on Pump House Sluice start to drop we should have a bit more wader mud back. A good start to the morning with 620 Black-tailed Godwit roos

29 July 2019

Saturday Sightings

Saturday Sightings

Great to see some of the record count of Black-tailed Godwit starting use the Mere to feed and roost as the water levels are lowered. A minimum of 450 on the Mere and ~ 1000 on Woodend Marsh currently. Four Wood Sandpiper ( three below) on the Mere. Also

27 July 2019

Wood Sandpipers

Wood Sandpipers

The two juvenile Wood Sandpipers are still present but moving around the reserve, in the morning they were on view from Ron Barker hide and then mid afternoon they were on the Mere with 2 Green Sandpipers.There are still large numbers of Black-tailed Godw

26 July 2019

Record Count of Godwits

Record Count of Godwits

A record count of 2400 Black-tailed Godwits out on Woodend Marsh was the highlight of the day, also on Woodend Marsh were 2 Wood Sandpipers and 4 Green Sandpiper, also 2 Ruff, Redshank, 15 Avocet and plenty of Lapwing.At Ron Barker hide were 1 Common Sand

25 July 2019

Mega Moth Night

Mega Moth Night

The hot and humid night forecast meant that running a couple of moth traps was a must. At the time of typing we have identified 100 species from the overnight session. Beautiful Hook-tip (featured image) is a second record for the reserve and scarce in La

24 July 2019

Black-tailed Godwit

Black-tailed Godwit

Warm but windy on Monday. Waders are very much the focus at this time of year, although it's not impossible to pick up migrating passerines too as a July juvenile Pied Flycatcher seen a few years ago only goes to prove. Counts of Black-tailed Godwit are l

22 July 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Spotted Redshank on Vinson's Marsh this morning. Fourteen Ruff, 350+ Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 3 Curlew, 2 Whimbrel, 6 Dunlin, 3 Snipe, a few Avocet and Oystercatcher, 150 Lapwing. Common Tern and the final fledged chick on

21 July 2019

Bearded Reedling

Bearded Reedling

A female Bearded Reedling showing well from the Harrier Hide was undoubtedly "bird of the day", but as usual, a good variety of birds around the reserve.Over 200 Black-tailed Godwits, 6 Ruff, 1 Green Sandpiper and at least 1 Dunlin were seen from the Unit

19 July 2019

Spot Red

Spot Red

Two Barn Owl hunting early on. Good views from the Kingfisher Hide. Spotted Redshank, a moulted adult present on site. At least 250 Black-tailed Godwit, Common Sandpiper, 3 Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, 6 Oystercatcher, 50+ Lapwing, c10 Avocet.Gre

14 July 2019

Saturday Sightings

Saturday Sightings

A good count of Black-tailed Godwit with 455 on the reserve this morning. Other waders around the reserve include: Green Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 3 Ruff, 4 Snipe, 5 Oystercatcher, 18 Avocet and 50 Lapwing. Two Kingfisher from the Ron Barker Hid

13 July 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

"More of the same" sums up the last few days. Waders are still one of the main highlights at the moment, with Green Sandpipers, Ruff, Avocets, Black-tailed Godwits, and Oystercatchers still on view, mostly from the United Utilities hide. On the Mere, both

12 July 2019

Wednesday Update

Wednesday Update

Two Barn Owl hunting until 10am at least. Three Green Sandpiper on Woodend Marsh, also there 8 Little Ringed Plover and Ringed Plover. An adult Raven with 2 flying young also Woodend.Raptors include Marsh Harrier, Buzzard and Kestrel.Grasshopper Warbler

10 July 2019

Tuesday Sightings

Tuesday Sightings

The featured image today is of Tubular Dropwort (Oenanthe fistulosa) a red data list species which grows at Martin Mere. Call in at the in focus shop next the the Discovery Hide for directions. Good start to Tuesday with a Spotted Redshank flying in on Wo

9 July 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Ron Barker – 36 Lapwing, 80 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3 Teal, Shelduck with 4 ducklings, Gadwall, Mallard, Greylag. 2 Kingfisher early afternoon.The Mere – Mallard with 3 ducklings, Mallard with 11 ducklings, 7 Tufted Duck with

7 July 2019