
Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A great white egret was seen on Woodend Marsh yesterday. Barn owls and marsh harriers are seen daily throughout the reserve. (Photo: Jimmy Taylor)Look out for ducklings and goslings with their parents throughout the reserve.Along the nature trail, see if

6 May 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Over the weekend there were 2 common gulls spotted in front of the Ron Barker hide and another out on the Mere. Also on the Mere, 5 common terns were seen sitting on one of the islands (bit rude of them not to use our lovely new tern rafts). Swifts have s

3 May 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Three Common terns flew over the reserve yesterday, keep an eye out on the Mere and Woodend Marsh for them. A couple of hobbies were spotted over the reed bed. There have been a lot of willow warblers all around the reserve. Lots of birds have started sit

29 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

On the Mere black-headed gulls have started nesting on the islands and banks. Also, sand martins can be seen catching insects over head. A great white egret has been spotted on Plover Field. On the canoe safari a wood warbler has been spotted singing in t

26 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The reedbed walk is alive with the songs of warblers; with blackcaps, chiffchaff, cetti's, reed, sedge, willow and grasshopper warblers all audible. Two pairs of linnets also have been seen, one on the reedbed and another near Gordon Taylor hide.

22 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A tawny owl was seen over the weekend, roosting in a tree along the walk to Ron Barker hide. Barn owls and marsh harrier seen daily. Our reserve team have been up early conducting the yearly Breeding Birds Survey highlights include:

20 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Highlights from the monthly Wetland Birds Survey conducted by our reserve team include: 76 Shoveler 12 Gadwall 21 Tufted duck 31 Lapwing 17 Black-tailed Godwit 12 Oystercatcher 19 Avocet 6 Redshank 1 Common Sandpiper 3 Ringed Plover 4 Mediterr

15 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The wetland centre is open to the public starting today, unfortunately hides are not open due to current government restrictions. However, there is still plenty of wildlife to be seen on the reserve.

12 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

While we've been busy getting Martin Mere ready for reopening most of the wintering birds have flown north for the summer months. Curlews have been seen over Woodend Marsh and more swallows have been spotted over Swan Lake. The first mallard ducklings hav

9 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Summer migrants have arrived on the reserve including a sand martin, swallows and wheatears. A pair of linnets have been spotted near the reedbed. Butterflies can now be seen around the reserve including small tortoiseshell, brimstone and peacocks.

5 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Many of the birds throughout the reserve have now entered breeding mode with many species displaying frequently throughout the day. Chiffchaffs are our newest arrival with many now singing across the reserve, the lapwings have also began incubating eggs.

29 March 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week a bittern was spotted flying into the reedbed during our last bittern survey. On the mere there has been an escapee red-crested pochard (not one of ours), and Mediterranean gulls among the black headed gulls. Over Carum Field a barn owl can be r

22 March 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This morning's Wetland Bird Survey recorded the following birds on the reserve.455 Wigeon19 Gadwall318 Teal394 Mallard209 Pintail43 Shoveler17 Pochard12 Tufted Duck339 Shelduck170 Greylag Goose 54 Canada Goose77 Moorhen24 Coot13 Lapwing33 Ruff35 Black-tai

15 March 2021

Latest sightings

Latest sightings

Spring is beginning here at Martin Mere, with blooming daffodils and snowdrops carpeting the reserve. The first Mediterranean gulls and avocets arrived on the Mere the previous week.

1 March 2021

Avocets have arrived

Avocets have arrived

The first avocets of the year; a group of around forty, were sighted on the mere yesterday.

24 February 2021