
Lots of passerines

Lots of passerines

Rushy Hide 2+ Snipe in the cut reeds, 30+ each of Pintail and Pochard among the gathering duck flocks as well as a few duck hybrids including the Pochard x Ring-necked Duck, Red-crested Pochard x Pintail and Pochard x Ferruginous. Tack Piece 250 Wigeo

31 October 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Whooper Swan Mute Swan Poachard Wigeon Canada Goose Greylag Goose Coot Moorhen Teal Shelduck Black-tailed Godwit Little Stint Ruff Cormorant Cetti's Warbler Wren Great Tit Pied Wagtail Grey Heron Goldfinch Tree Sparrow House Sparrow Fieldfare Little Egret

31 October 2017

Wildlife sightings 31/10/17

Wildlife sightings 31/10/17

a.m. mid tide Wader Lake Redshank 2 Eurasian teal 10 Lapwing 30 Black headed gull Saline lagoon Black headed gull 25 Eurasian teal Curlew Wren Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker Great tit 4 Bullfinch 6 Nuthatch Dunnock Chaffinch 6 Mammals Water shrew

31 October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 31st October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 31st October 2017

1 Brambling - South route feeders 11 Siskin - South route 24 Redwing - flew over South, South West 11 Fieldfare - World wetlands 5 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 2 Meadow Pipit - grazing marsh October bird highlights: Common Sandpiper, Black-tailed

31 October 2017

National Lottery Support to Transform the Birthplace of Conservation

National Lottery Support to Transform the Birthplace of Conservation

A £4.1m National Lottery grant has been awarded to WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre, Gloucestershire, in a three-year project that will pay tribute to founder, Sir Peter Scott in a range of developments aimed at creating inspirational wildlife experiences.

31 October 2017

Unlocking the Bewick's secrets

Unlocking the Bewick's secrets

A young girl leaps out of bed. It’s a cold winter’s morning and the sun is just starting to rise.  But despite the cold, she can’t wait to get downstairs to see if any new visitors have arrived overnight. The young girl is Dafila Scott, daughter of

30 October 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Kestrel Goldfinch Tree sparrow Stonechat Pied wagtail Meadow pipit Reed bunting Green woodpecker Cetti's warbler Wren Buzzard Marsh harrier Kestrel Cormorant Mallard Shoveler Shelduck Teal Wigeon Pintail Gadwall Pochard(13male2female) Redshank Black-taile

30 October 2017

Frosty morning

Frosty morning

Tack Piece Two Russian White-fronted Geese, 100+ Wigeon, 300+ Teal and 30 Curlew. Knott Hide Again parties of Redwing, Song Thrush and Blackbird feeding on the berries, a pair of Bullfinch, a single Mistle Thrush and a Cetti's Warbler. South Lake Early m

30 October 2017

Recent Sightings 30th October

Recent Sightings 30th October

Flock of Wigeon Cr. M J McGill The following sightings were recorded today at high tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. A cold start to half term, hopefully will warm up as the day goes on! Estuary – visible from

30 October 2017

Wildlife sightings 30/10/17

Wildlife sightings 30/10/17

a.m. mid tide Wader Lake Common snipe 2 Redshank 32 Lapwing 27 Black headed gull 59 Kestrel male Eurasian Teal 36 Shoveler 2 Saline lagoon Curlew Sparrowhawk male Eurasian teal 19 Hawthorn Wood Coal tit 2 Sparrowhawk Great spotted woodpecker Bullfinch 9 G

30 October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 30th October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 30th October 2017

1 Bittern - main lake N shore 1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh NE corner 3 Fieldfare - grazing marsh 2 Skylark - flew over W and NW 17 Redwing - flew over S and SW 14 Meadow Pipit - flew over W 2 Linnet - flew over E 6 Siskin - South route   October b

30 October 2017

Whoopers and other birds.

Whoopers and other birds.

Lovely end to the weekend making up for the miserable conditions on Saturday. Whooper Swan numbers are on the up with around 260+ counted on the reserve this morning with around 100 at the 3pm feed in front of the Discovery Hide.

29 October 2017

Returning Russian 'White-fronts'

Returning Russian 'White-fronts'

Tack Piece The first pair of Russian White-fronted Geese were back on the Tack Piece by this afternoon, hopefully we'll see more arriving this week, the forecast for later in the week looks good for more wildfowl arrivals. The scrape also hosted 400 Teal

29 October 2017

todays sightings

todays sightings

Red-legged Partridge Tree Sparrow Wigeon Teal Redshank Curlew Ruff Grey Heron Starling Goldfinch Snipe Black-tailed godwit Pochard Tufted duck Whooper swan Gadwall Shelduck Shoveler Coot Moorhen Marsh harrier Dunlin Little stint Pintail  

29 October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2017

1 Bittern - main lake SE corner from WWF hide 1 Brambling - in trees by log garden on the South route 1 Firecrest - sheltered lagoon 2 Stonechat - grazing marsh 5 Snipe - grazing marsh, wader scrape 1 Peregrine - perched on the hospital 3 Redpoll - shelt

29 October 2017