
Reserve Update Wednesday 22nd November

Reserve Update Wednesday 22nd November

Definitely a day to wear wellies if you are visiting!  Murky start is not helping with the counts but the Wigeon especially are liking all the flooded fields.  Approximately 300 birds both in Corner Field and Lochar field, still to spot an American with

22 November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 22nd November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 22nd November 2017

1 Bittern - main lake N shore (seen from Peacock Tower) 1 Pintail - grazing marsh 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 5 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake, wader scrape 7 Fieldfare - flew over heading S/SW 3 Redwing - flew over heading S/SW 1 Chiffchaff - Sou

22 November 2017

Recent Sightings (18th-21st Nov)

Recent Sightings (18th-21st Nov)

Female Bullfinch. Russ Myners. Millenium Wetlands Although the weather may seem a bit bleak, there is still so much bird life to see! A Goldeneye was spotted briefly on the Deep Water Lake. Our ponds and lakes are hos

21 November 2017

Dawn Swan Count-21st Nov

Dawn Swan Count-21st Nov

Whooper swan-2011 Bewick's swan-36 Mute swan-38

21 November 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Whooper swan Tree sparrow Pied wagtail Goldfinch Mallard Teal Shovleler Wigeon Pintail Gadwall Ruff Dunlin Black-tailed godwit Redshank - 40 - Nelson Lyle hide Lapwing Cetti's warbler Snipe House sparrow Canada goose Greylag goose Starling Moorhen Coot Cu

21 November 2017

Wildlife sightings - 21/11/17

Wildlife sightings - 21/11/17

a.m. Tide Level Wader Lake Canada goose 39 Eurasian teal 28 Shelduck 4 Lapwing 60 Black-headed gull 4 Saline Lagoon Redshank 2 Shelduck 3 Eurasian teal 28 Black-headed gull 20 Hawthorn Wood Dunnock 2 Nuthatch 1 Jay 1 Great spotted woodpecker 1 Goldfinch 3

21 November 2017

Great egret, marsh harriers & hungry bats

Great egret, marsh harriers & hungry bats

A redpoll on seed head photo by Romney Turner Reserve warden Linda Magyar spotted a great egret that dropped into the reserve near the Ramsar hide mid-morning on Monday. The great egret was reported at Pagham Harbour

21 November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 21st November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 21st November 2017

1 Pintail - grazing marsh 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 1 Jack Snipe - circled main lake before dropping onto the grazing marsh 7 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 250 Starling - over E to roost p.m. 2 Stonechat - wader scrape bank 4 Fieldfare - flew ove

21 November 2017

Monday highlights

Monday highlights

A family of Whooper Swans seemed to have roosted here as they left the site early morning, it's likely to be the same birds that were reported over at Walmore Common by A. Jayne yesterday, the sites are known to exchange birds regularly. Another two swan

20 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swans Mute swans Shoveler Wigeon Pochard Mallard Little egret Black-tailed godwit Curlew Redshank Moorhen Kestrel Sparrowhawk Peregrine Buzzard Marsh harrier Rook Starling Tree sparrow Goldfinch Stonechat

20 November 2017

WeBS Count -20th Nov

WeBS Count -20th Nov

Mallard-708 Pintail-55 Shoveler-130 Teal-2395 Wigeon-4500 Gadwall-7 Pochard-80 Moorhen-2 Coot-6 Canada geese-165 Greylag geese-411 Lapwing-145 Ruff-170 Black-tailed godwit-705 Redshank-40 Curlew-10 Dunlin-5 Kestrel-6 Marsh harrier-5 Buzzard-3 Blackbird-3

20 November 2017

Reserve Update- 20th November (WeBS count figures)

Reserve Update- 20th November (WeBS count figures)

  A wet start to the day with rain overnight, but this does not stop the birds. Two sparrowhawks each with prey were seen this morning on the way to Avenue Tower. At the Tower there were some great close up views of a few hundred barnacle geese (with

20 November 2017

Recent Sightings 20th November 2017

Recent Sightings 20th November 2017

The following sightings were recorded today from the reserve at Castle Espie. Estuary – visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory Shelduck 110, Brent 141, Wigeon 97, Black-headed gull 3, Curlew 2, Black-tailed godwit 6, Oystercatcher ~300

20 November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 20th November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 20th November 2017

35 Fieldfare - feeding on Hawthorn bushes (south route) + 14 over W 1 Brambling - flew low over south route N 1 Chiffchaff - south route 12 Redwing -  over S+SW 1 Green Sandpiper - marsh p.m. 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 8 Siskin - sheltered lagoon, s

20 November 2017

Sunday sightings

Sunday sightings

Rushy Hide The four Bewick's Swans remained for the morning and returned for the afternoon period, they fly out to the Tack Piece for the middle part of the day. A Little Stint was again on the top pond island. Tack Piece A new family of E. White-fronted

19 November 2017