
WWT marks International Women's Day by celebrating pioneer's aviation award

WWT marks International Women's Day by celebrating pioneer's aviation award

Ground-breaking paramotorist Sacha Dench has been awarded the British Women Pilots’ Association (BWPA) accolade for her record-breaking solo 7000km trip highlighting the plight of the endangered Bewick’s swan. Sacha was awarded the Jean Lennox Bird Pe

8 March 2018

Avocet Influx

Avocet Influx

Warm in the sun, cool in the hides, spring like. Great to see the Avocet coming back in after the cold snap. Four nine birds seen today is the highest count of the spring so far. Lapwing have returned too with 1100+ birds, also 43 Oystercatcher, 78 Black-

7 March 2018

Wildlife sightings - 07/03/2018

Wildlife sightings - 07/03/2018

a.m. Tide level: High  Wader Lake Lapwing 26 Black head gull 36 Herring gull 3 Shelduck 24 Grey heron 7 Tufted duck 29 Oystercatcher 2 Mute swan 2 Eurasian teal 18 Canada geese 2 Greylag geese 2 Saline Lagoon Curlew 1 Eurasian teal 5 Redshank 3 Hawthorn

7 March 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

The glaucous gull was seen on the river before high tide, flying north at around 9am.  After a foggy start which restricted visibility over the Dumbles, there was a touch of Spring could be felt across the reserve with avocets on the Rushy, displaying la

7 March 2018

Recent Sightings (3rd-7th March)

Recent Sightings (3rd-7th March)

British Steel Hide Recent wader counts from the steel hide have included 2 Spotted Redshanks (7th), 25 Lapwing, 507 Dunlin, 56 Curlew, 24 Redshank, 4 Greenshank, 133 Black-tailed Godwits and 27 Knot. 2 Spoonbills were still viewable from the hide on the 6

7 March 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th March

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th March

Well the Chaffinches have decided that we are back to Spring again and are in full voice down the Avenue.  They were joined by singing Goldfinch, a lovely flock of about twenty Linnet and a Treecreeper.  There are lots of Tufted ducks around at Whooper

7 March 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pochard Tufted duck Pintail Teal Wigeon Moorhen Coot Grey heron Black tailed godwit Redshank Oystercatcher Dunlin Avocet (Friends hide) Curlew Little egret Snipe Black headed gull Lapwing Golden plover Fieldfare Starlin

7 March 2018

Wildlife sightings for 7th March 2018

Wildlife sightings for 7th March 2018

3 Jack Snipe - scrape 14 Snipe - marsh, scrape, main lake 1 Dunlin - marsh 10 Pintail - marsh, scrape, main lake 2 Shelduck - scrape 1 Goldeneye - main lake 1 Bittern - main lake 76 Wigeon - marsh, scrape 167 Cormorant - main lake 1 Red Kite - over SW

7 March 2018

Singing, displaying & nest scraping start

Singing, displaying & nest scraping start

Treecreeper sightings have increased in the wooded areas. Photo: Romney Turner March 1, 2018 The lapwing males are doing display flights over the Wet Grasslands area. Three sets of lapwing pairs seen on the wet grassl

6 March 2018

Wildlife sightings - 06/03/18

Wildlife sightings - 06/03/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Tufted duck 31 Eurasian teal 17 Grey heron 4 Oystercatcher 2 Lapwing 6 Redshank 5 Shelduck 25 Gadwall 2 Greylag 1 Stock dove 1 Siskin 12 Saline Lagoon Kingfisher 1 Shelduck 6 Oystercatcher 1 Hawthorn Wood Nuthatch 1 Coal t

6 March 2018

Glaucous Gull again

Glaucous Gull again

Holden Tower A few flighty Bewick's Swans, one settled on the Dumbles and a pair were feeding early morning. We may only have nine left on site. The Dunlin flock was still present but dispersed after a Peregrine took a bird, a single Ringed Plover flew by

6 March 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Bewick's swan Greylag Tundra bean goose Pink-footed goose (x20) Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Cormorant Coot Moorhen Great egret (x2) Little egret Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Redshan

6 March 2018

Wildlife sightings for 6th March 2018

Wildlife sightings for 6th March 2018

1 Bittern - main lake SE corner 6 Dunlin - marsh 5 Jack Snipe - scrape 21 Snipe - marsh 190 Lapwing - mostly on the marsh 16 Pintail - marsh, scrape, main lake 4 Shelduck - main lake, scrape 1 Caspian Gull 3rd year - marsh 19 Fieldfare - WS bank,

6 March 2018

Bird News

Bird News

Raptors again the stand-out species today, with the male Hen Harrier still present and a female reported moving through mid-morning. An adult Red Kite was also present mid afternoon at least, along with at least 2 Marsh Harriers, Peregrine, 4+ Common Buzz

5 March 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swan Mute swan Shelduck Shoveler Wigeon Pochard Teal Tufted duck Pintail Gadwall Goldeneye Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Redshank Moorhen Coot Dunlin Fieldfare Starling Reed bunting Tree sparrow Goldfinch Marsh harrier Buzzard Red admiral Butterfly!

5 March 2018