
Sandwich Tern again

Sandwich Tern again

Migrants Plenty of Swallows over the pools and scrapes today, a few Sand Martin with them. A Sandwich Tern over the Severn at 0845am kept the near daily run of sightings going. A Reed Warbler was singing near the Holden Tower, Sedge Warblers were singing

10 April 2018

Reed Warbler an early arrival

Reed Warbler an early arrival

A fairly miserable start to the day with rain coming through from first light until near midday. A Reed Warbler was in song along the public footpath on the Outer Reed Bed Walk. This is possibly our earliest sighting of this species. Reed Warbler are one

10 April 2018

Wildlife sightings - 10/04/18

Wildlife sightings - 10/04/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet 25 Kestrel 2 Gadwall 3 Shelduck 24 Shoveler 8 Common snipe 2 Lapwing 22 Grey heron 19 Oystercatcher 2 Tufted duck 18 Eurasian teal 5 Saline Lagoon Shoveler 2 Shelduck 10 Hawthorn Wood Bullfinch 7 Great tit 8 Chaffin

10 April 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Wigeon Teal Goldeneye Great crested grebe Coot Moorhen Water rail Crane (x2) Little egret Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Redshank Avocet Lapwing Black-headed gull Starling Pied wagtail Ye

10 April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 10th April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 10th April 2018

1 Redstart (male) - sheltered lagoon by Peacock Tower 2 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh (in almost full summer plumage) 1 Rock Pipit - grazing marsh 3 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 2 Pintail - main lake 4 Redshank - grazing

10 April 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Marsh harrier-female Redshank Moorhen Coot Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Oystercatcher Avocet Snipe Great crested grebe Little egret Crane Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag geese Egyptian Geese Wigeon Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Teal Black-headed gull Re

9 April 2018

Reed buntings, sedge warblers & Cetti's warblers

Reed buntings, sedge warblers & Cetti's warblers

Chiff chaff in the catkins     Photo: Romney Turner Summary: Good numbers of gadwall, tufted duck on the water and a few teal & shoveler. Pairs of lapwings nesting on wet grasslands. Two pairs of oystercatcher

9 April 2018

Wildlife sightings - 09/04/18

Wildlife sightings - 09/04/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet 24 Mute swan 1 Gadwall 2 Shoveler 4 Oystercatcher 4 Shelduck 7 Black-headed gull 5 Little-ringed  plover 1 Redshank 5 Common snipe 2 Grey heron 28 Saline Lagoon Shelduck 6 Redshank 1 Shelduck 2 Oystercatcher 2 Hawt

9 April 2018

Nene goslings

Nene goslings

Wardens at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre are celebrating a late Easter present after nine rare Nene goslings recently hatched. Only about 3,000 Nenes – pronounced ‘nay-nay’ after their call – survive in the wild in their native Hawaii. The goslin

9 April 2018

Reserve Update Monday 9th April

Reserve Update Monday 9th April

  Well it appears that various of our birds are now making serious nesting attempts.  One of our Oystercatcher is sitting pretty on the raft outside the window of Teal Pond hide.  A Black-headed gull is making use of another of our rafts on the Flo

9 April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 9th April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 9th April 2018

1 Little Gull - main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - main lake 3 Redshank - wader scrape 1 Yellow Wagtail - marsh 5 Willow Warbler - wildside, sheltered lagoon 6 Blackcap - sheltered lagoon, wildside 20 Swallow - feeding over reservoir lagoon 10 House M

9 April 2018

Bittern booming, spring arrivals.

Bittern booming, spring arrivals.

Another good day with light winds and a little warmth into the afternoon. Bittern booming out from the Harrier Hide again. The wardens have placed a couple of camera traps out on the Reed Bed in the hope of catching one of the Bittern moving around, and i

8 April 2018



Migrants A party of four Red-breasted Mergansers on the Severn were a welcome treat, although distant from the Holden Tower in the murk two pairs of these 'sawbills' spent the morning to early afternoon on the main channel, the males were even displaying.

8 April 2018

Recent Sightings €“ 8th April 2018

Recent Sightings €“ 8th April 2018

The following sightings were recorded today from the reserve at Castle Espie. The weather has been mixed lately but there has been some interesting sightings of birds recently, including a Spoonbill on the Wadermarsh during the week. Estuary - visible fro

8 April 2018

Wildlife sightings - 08/04/18

Wildlife sightings - 08/04/18

Wader Lake (AM, mid tide): Avocet 29 Lapwing 24 Shelduck 9 pairs Shoveler 5 Eurasian teal 8 Gadwall 4 Tufted duck 25 Grey heron 26 Oystercatcher 4 Common snipe 3 Redshank 12   Hawthorn Wood: Bullfinch 12 Dunnock 3 Coal tit 4 Blue tit 8 Robin 2  

8 April 2018