
Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Wader Lake     Time/AM     Tide/Mid Mute Swan - 8 Avocet - 28 Gadwall - 5 Oystercatcher - 2 Grey Heron - 20 Little Ringed Plover - 1 Common Tern - 28 Black-headed Gull - 15   Saline Lagoon Shelduck - 7 Oystercatcher - 2 Gadwall - 1   Ha

10 May 2018

Sightings for Thursday 10th May

Sightings for Thursday 10th May

Damp start to the day but drying up nicely now, all hides are open but Summer walk is closed. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Crane Gadwall Garganey Mallard Pochard Pintail Shelduck Shoveler Teal Tufted duck Wigeon Great crest

10 May 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 10th May

Reserve Update Thursday 10th May

4 Brown Hares were seen this morning on the reserve, 1 in Corner Field, 1 in Lochar Field and 2 along the avenue. A Garden Warbler was heard, then later seen, making this the 2nd one on site. A single Ruff has been on the Folly Pond today, with a lone Dun

10 May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 10th May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 10th May 2018

3 Lapwing chicks - marsh (wildside hide) 1 Common Sandpiper - reservoir lagoon, main lake 1 Hobby 16 Swift 1 Yellow Wagtail - over NE   April/May bird highlights: Temminck's Stint, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper,

10 May 2018

The lingering Brent

The lingering Brent

The Dark-bellied Brent Goose was on the river again this morning, whilst the Egyptian Goose was on the Dumbles with the Greylags.  An Osprey was also seen distantly flying up the river mid morning. Robbie Garnett Hide The Tack Piece is a very different p

9 May 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes and chick Garganey at Nelson/Lyle hide Tufted duck Shoveler Shelduck Gadwall Mallard Teal Pochard Greylag goose Whooper swan Mute swan Avocet Redshank Lapwing Dunlin Little egret Tree sparrow Goldfinch Sedge warbler Reed bunting Reed warbler Whitet

9 May 2018

Wildlife sightings 09/05/18

Wildlife sightings 09/05/18

a.m. mid tide Wader Lake Avocet 32 Little ringed plover 2 Oystercatcher 2 Black tailed godwit 4 Redshank 2 Common tern 32 Black headed gull 12 Grey heron 36 adult + 10 fledglings Saline lagoon Avocet 2 Oystercatcher 2 Shelduck 10 Lapwing Hawthorn Wood Gre

9 May 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 9th May - Lapwing Chicks!

Reserve Update Wednesday 9th May - Lapwing Chicks!

One of our pair of Lapwings on the Lochar Field now has two fluffy chicks running around them.  They are regularly going back to sit underneath the parents due to the continued cold weather.  The Swallows are back prospecting within the Teal Pond hide s

9 May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 9th May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 9th May 2018

1 Kittiwake - main lake before flying off NW 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 1 Shelduck - wader scrape 3 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Snipe - wader scrape 7 Reed Warbler - West route, reedbed, South route 2 Swallow - over S route 1 Buzzard 2

9 May 2018

Oystercatcher chicks

Oystercatcher chicks

. Rushy Hide The Lapwing family continues to survive on the wildflower meadow, all three chicks present and correct this morning. A pair of nesting Oystercatcher at least two pairs of Avocet still on nests. The female Wigeon and hybrid male partner. Tack

8 May 2018

New resources!

New resources!

Thousands of school children come to Martin Mere every year and enjoy a variety of guided learning sessions with our dedicated education team, then they use our extensive and accessible site to explore the wetlands under their own steam. During this ‘se

8 May 2018

Recent Sightings (6th-8th May)

Recent Sightings (6th-8th May)

Russ Myners   Millennium Wetlands The Black-Tailed Godwits are loving the muddy areas of Deep Water Lake, with over 200 using the sight recently. Also on the lake and throughout the reserve you can see Pochard (

8 May 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Garganey-2 at Lyle hide Pochard-4 Shoveler Shelduck Gadwall Tufted duck Wigeon Whooper swan Mute swan Black-tailed godwit and chicks Great crested grebe-7 Crane family + 2 over main obs Oystercatcher Lapwing Avocet Redshank Common tern Tree sparrow Goldfi

8 May 2018

Wildlife sightings 08/05/18

Wildlife sightings 08/05/18

a.m. mid tide Wader Lake Common tern 27 Ringed plover 1 Little ringed plover 2 Shoveler 6 Common whitethroat 2 Avocet 33 Grey heron 20 Shelduck 28 Oystercatcher Saline lagoon Oystercatcher Hawthorn Wood Bullfinch 4 Other birds Black cap (male) - amphibian

8 May 2018



A female Cuckoo was seen in the reed bed walk area this morning, then it or another flew past the In Focus shop mid morning. The Common Terns look like they are settling down to breed again this year in the usual area of Woodend Marsh viewable from the U

8 May 2018