
Recent sightings 25th September-1st October

Recent sightings 25th September-1st October

Highlights: Bar-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Curlew sandpiper, flocks of wintering ducks

1 October 2021

Recent Sightings 18th-24th September

Recent Sightings 18th-24th September

Highlights: Curlew Sandpipers, Ruff, Spoonbill and flocks of wintering Ducks

24 September 2021

Recent Sightings 11th-17th September

Recent Sightings 11th-17th September

Highlights from this week: Osprey, Little Stint, Ruff and Curlew Sandpipers.

17 September 2021

Recent sightings 4-10th September

Recent sightings 4-10th September

Sightings: Kingfishers, Spoonbill, Common Lizards, Slow Worm, Red Admiral.

10 September 2021

Recent Sightings 28th August-3rd September

Recent Sightings 28th August-3rd September

Highlights: Curlew Sandpipers, Little Ringed Plovers, Kingfisher and a wealth of Dragonflies

3 September 2021

Recent Sightings 23rd-27th August

Recent Sightings 23rd-27th August

A wonderful week for wildlife on the wetlands. Long-billed Dowitcher, two Glossy Ibises, Marsh Harrier and hoards of waders.

27 August 2021

Recent sightings 14th-20th August

Recent sightings 14th-20th August

Highlights - Long-Billed Dowitcher, Moths, Kingfisher, Shoveler and Nuthatch.

19 August 2021

Recent Sightings 7th-13th August

Recent Sightings 7th-13th August

Highlights - Barn Owl, Kingfisher, Otter, Wood Sandpiper and Emperor Moth Caterpillar

13 August 2021

Recent Sightings 31st July - 6th August

Recent Sightings 31st July - 6th August

Highlights - Wood, Common and Green Sandpiper, Garden Warbler, Great Crested Grebe, Lapwing, Teal and Small Copper Butterfly

6 August 2021

Recent Sightings 24th-30th July

Recent Sightings 24th-30th July

Highlights - Wood, Common and Green Sandpiper, Wigeon, Great White Egret, Whimbrel, Spotted Redshank and Red Kite.

30 July 2021

Recent Sightings 10th-23rd July

Recent Sightings 10th-23rd July

Highlights - Great Crested Grebe Chicks, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank, Shoveler and Teal.

23 July 2021

Recent Sightings 3rd - 9th July

Recent Sightings 3rd - 9th July

Highlights - Tawny Owl, Teal, Shoveler Ducklings, Grasshopper Warbler, Great White Egret and Common Darters.

9 July 2021

Recent Sightings 26th June - 2nd July

Recent Sightings 26th June - 2nd July

Highlights - Mediterranean Gull Chicks, Great White Egret, Whimbrel, Dunlin, Great Crested Grebe and Cinnabar Moth.

2 July 2021

Recent Sightings 19th-25th June

Recent Sightings 19th-25th June

Highlights - Caspian Tern, Willow Tit, Barnacle Geese, Ruff and Green Sandpiper.

25 June 2021

Recent Sightings 12th-18th June

Recent Sightings 12th-18th June

Highlights - Red Kite, Little Egret, Water Rail, Mediterranean Gull, European Hornet and Bats.

18 June 2021