
Wildlife sightings for 7th August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 7th August 2018

2 Kingfisher - reservoir lagoon 1 Green Sandpiper - main lake 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 4 Snipe - main lake, grazing marsh 5 Common Tern - main lake 2 Peregrine - perched on the hospital   Please note there will be essential management work on

7 August 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

This morning has started a little cooler, but temperatures will no doubt pick up as the day goes on.  The Wood Sandpiper remains on the Tack Piece but there is little sign of other wader movement apart from a colour ringed Avocet on the Top New Piece whi

7 August 2018

Rare plant returns after century’s absence

Rare plant returns after century’s absence

  Wardens Abbie Hobbs and Suzi Lanaway planting 400 triangular club-rush seedlings at Arundel Wetland Centre A plant so rare that it was only found in a patch smaller than a doormat has been reintroduced to the A

7 August 2018

Warblers and more heading south early

Warblers and more heading south early

  Sedge warblers are heading southwards. Our bat survey last week highlighted what a great feeding area the Arun Riverlife lagoon is. With a low count of bats and species over most of the site, Arun Riverlife was

7 August 2018

Wood & Green Sandpipers

Wood & Green Sandpipers

There are now 2 Wood Sandpipers on site both were on view from Ron Barker hide late afternoon, also now at least 9 Green Sandpiper present, also the juvenile Greenshank still on view from UU Hide. Increasing numbers of Snipe too with at least 25 counte

6 August 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag geese Grey heron Shelduck Shoveler Teal Mallard Gadwall Little egret Avocet Snipe Green sandpiper Lapwing Redshank Moorhen Coot Black-tailed godwit Cormorant Black-headed gull Marsh harrier Buzzard Sparrowhawk Tree sparrow G

6 August 2018

Wildlife sightings - 06/08/18

Wildlife sightings - 06/08/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet 5 Common tern Lapwing 12 Oystercatcher 2 Grey heron 1 Redshank 1 Black-headed gull Little-ringed plover Snipe Ruff Canada goose Saline Lagoon Lapwing 3 Redshank 5 Snipe 1 Curlew 1 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpec

6 August 2018

Recent Sightings €- 6th August 2018

Recent Sightings €- 6th August 2018

The following sightings were recorded today at High-High tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. A very wet start to the day but it improved as the morning went on and we gat a chance to see some of the wildlife at Castle Espie.  There was a nice roost of

6 August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 6th August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 6th August 2018

2 Garganey - reservoir lagoon, wader scrape 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - main lake 4 Common Tern - main lake 2 Peregrine - perched on the hospital 1 Water Rail - main reedbed 20 Shoveler - main lake, wader scrape, reservoir l

6 August 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

House martins congregating on the Centre building ready to migrate soon Swallow Tree sparrow Pied wagtail Yellow wagtail Starling Sedge warbler Reed warbler Rook Carrion crow Stock dove Grey heron x 5 Little egret Snipe x 3 Avocet Coot Moorhen Lapwing Gre

5 August 2018

Common Scoter

Common Scoter

The bird of the day on Saturday was a male Common Scoter on the Mere early morning only. This is only the 3rd or 4th record for the reserve of this sea duck, which is easy to see off coastal sites such as Blackpool which has up to 20,000 birds wintering

5 August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 5th August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 5th August 2018

1 Green Sandpiper - grazing marsh, scrape 2 Common Sandpiper - main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - main lake 4 Little Grebe - main lake 3 Common Tern - main lake 1 Kingfisher - wildside 2 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital 10 S

5 August 2018

Clear blue skies

Clear blue skies

It's another gloriously sunny day on the reserve with plenty to see, not least our Crane chicks on the South Lake who are starting to exercise their wings more and more, even taking their first short flights.  It hopefully won't be long before they're ai

5 August 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Grey heron Avocet Redshank Black-tailed godwit Dunlin Lapwing Moorhen Coot Snipe Common sandpiper-Main Obs Green sandpiper-Main Obs Wood sandpiper-Lyle hide Ruff Common tern Pink footed goose Greylag goose Mute swan Whooper swan Bewick's swan Mallard Grea

4 August 2018

A set of Sandpipers

A set of Sandpipers

Rushy A good hot spot this morning single Wood and Common Sandpipers and 11 Greens. A dozen Black Tailed Godwiits with 1 Dunlin and a cracking group of 5 Snipe showing well. Still 4 young Avocets, Juvenile Pied Wagtails all over and 5 Cormorants on the ma

4 August 2018