
Mixed Review for Sustainable Drainage

Mixed Review for Sustainable Drainage

The Government has published its review of whether new major developments are adding to flood risk or not. The key is whether current law encourages them to design ways to handle heavy rainfall onsite, rather than pour it down already overloaded drainage

27 August 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Barnacle goose Canada goose Greylag Mallard Garganey Teal Cormorant Coot Little grebe Moorhen Black-tailed godwit Ruff (x2) Snipe Common sandpiper Little-ringed plover Lapwing Starling House martin Swallow Pied wagtail Yellow wagtai

27 August 2018

Recent Sightings €- 27th August 2018

Recent Sightings €- 27th August 2018

The following sightings were recorded today at Low tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. Lots to see at the minute while we all eagerly await the return of the Brent Geese to Strangford Lough. Goldfinches are a hive of activity in the Brickworks, flocks

27 August 2018

Wildlife sightings 27/08/18

Wildlife sightings 27/08/18

a.m. mid tide Wader Lake Lapwing 210 Teal 21 Redshank 6 Snipe 3 Grey heron Swallow Shelduck Avocet Green sandpiper Saline lagoon Lapwing 4 Teal 7 Grey heron Curlew Hawthorn Wood Blue tit 5 Great tit 5 Coal tit Willow tit Robin Sparrowhawk (male) Greenfinc

27 August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th August 2018

1 Garganey - wader scrape 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 2 Common Tern - main lake 2 Snipe - wader scrape 4 Little Grebe + 3 chicks - main lake 1 Swallow - reservoir lagoon 12 Swift - reservoir lagoon 15 Sand Martin - reservoir lagoon 40 House Martin - re

27 August 2018



The first Merlin of the autumn was seen over the Mere and then later from Ron Barker hide, also a Peregrine and 2-3 Sparrowhawk including two birds sat together. A Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 24 Ruff, 300 Lapwing and 20+ Snipe were counted on s

26 August 2018

Birding in the rain

Birding in the rain

Rushy Hide Ruff, 3 Snipe, 7 Avocet and 3 Green Sandpiper on the lower pond. Grey Heron, Little Grebe and 10+ Gadwall on the top pond. Tack Piece Six Black-tailed Godwit and the juvenile Spotted Redshank (see image) popped in a couple of times. 20+ Teal a

26 August 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Spoonbill (ringed) at Lyle hide Little egret Grey heron Cormorant Moorhen Coot Little ringed plover juv-2 Ringed plover juv-1 Common sandpiper-2 Green sandpiper Snipe at Friends hide Avocet Little grebe Black tailed godwit-6 Ruff-2 Dunlin-1 Lapwing Mallar

26 August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th August 2018

1 Marsh Harrier (female) - quartered the marsh for 10 minutes before dropping into the middle field 1 Garganey - wader scrape 2 Yellow Wagtail - grazing marsh 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 5 Snipe - wader scrape, main lake, grazing marsh 2 Common Tern -

26 August 2018



A few sightings of at least 1 Hobby a 2nd cal yr bird today, also the large juv female Peregrine was seen chasing a Snipe on site. A juv Marsh Harrier has been seen a few times around the reserve today as well Buzzard, Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

25 August 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Barnacle goose (Main Obs) Shelduck Mallard Garganey Teal Little grebe Coot Moorhen Grey heron Little egret Black-tailed godwit (Lyle) Avocet Common sandpiper (Lyle) Starling House martin Swallow Yellow wagtail Pied wagtail W

25 August 2018

Wildlife sightings 25/08/18

Wildlife sightings 25/08/18

a.m. low tide Wader Lake Avocet Lapwing 2 Pied wagtail Green sandpiper Herring gull (juveniles) 2 Saline lagoon Green sandpiper Common snipe Grey heron Lapwing Common sandpiper Hawthorn Wood Bullfinch 3 Goldfinch 16 Willow tit Greenfinch 9 Chaffinch 13 Ja

25 August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 25th August 2018

Wildlife sightings for 25th August 2018

1 Pied Flycatcher juv - entrance lake roundabout 0900hrs 2 Green Sandpiper - scrape 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 1 Whinchat - grazing marsh 1 Wheatear - south route 1 Hobby - sheltered lagoon 3 Little Grebe chicks - main lake Observatory (hatched overni

25 August 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 25th August

Latest Sightings - Saturday 25th August

A brilliant sunny morning but a very cool breeze at the moment. The Hawthorns at the Avenue Tower are still busy: Lesser Whitethroat, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Dunnock amongst others. An duck ID challenge in the Flood Ground today. All in eclipse plumage, we

25 August 2018

Wood Sand and Spot Red

Wood Sand and Spot Red

Rushy Ruff 1 Avocet 4 Green Sandpiper 3 Lapwing 8 Snipe 3 Wood Sandpiper 1 (10.00) Heron 1 Teal 24 Holden Walkway Greylag 33 Green sandpiper 2 Wood Sandpiper 1 (08.30 Robbie Garnet Hide) Teal 25 Marsh Harrier 1 juv flew through. Yellow Wagtail 2 among ca

25 August 2018