
Recent Wildlife Sightings 29th June - 5th July

Recent Wildlife Sightings 29th June - 5th July

Highlights: Pyramidal Orchid, Whimbrel, Marsh Harrier, Migrant Hawker

5 July 2024

New Postcard Adventure Trail at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre for the Summer Holidays

New Postcard Adventure Trail at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre for the Summer Holidays

The school summer holidays are here, and families looking for a fresh adventure that will deepen their connection with nature can enjoy a new postcard adventure trail launching on July 20 at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre. The trail is one of many activitie

4 July 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 22nd - 28th June

Recent Wildlife Sightings 22nd - 28th June

Highlights: Elephant Hawk-Moth, Green Sandpiper, Black-Headed Gull, White-Letter Hairstreak

28 June 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 15th - 21st June

Recent Wildlife Sightings 15th - 21st June

Highlights: Spoonbill, Green Woodpecker, Lesser Whitethroat, Meadow Brown Butterfly

21 June 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 8th - 14th June

Recent Wildlife Sightings 8th - 14th June

Highlights: Caspian Tern, Sandwich Tern, Great White Egret, Mediterranean Gull

14 June 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 1st - 7th June

Recent Wildlife Sightings 1st - 7th June

Highlights: Lapwing, Great Crested Grebe, Cuckoo, Barnacle Goose

7 June 2024

Words for Wetlands: Award-winning poet Rae Howells takes up residency at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Words for Wetlands: Award-winning poet Rae Howells takes up residency at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre is thrilled to announce the start of a new poet residency as award-winning Gower poet Rae Howells takes up residence at the centre, using its stunning wetlands and diverse wildlife as inspiration for her craft. Rae joins th

3 June 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 25th - 31st May

Recent Wildlife Sightings 25th - 31st May

Highlights: Pintail, Common Frog, Bee Orchid, Lackey Moth

31 May 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 18th - 24th May

Recent Wildlife Sightings 18th - 24th May

Highlights: Scorpion Fly, House Martin, Oxeye Daisy, Common Blue Damselfly

24 May 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 11th - 17th May

Recent Wildlife Sightings 11th - 17th May

Highlights: Cuckoo, Chough, Spotted Flycatcher, Swift

17 May 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 4th - 10th May

Recent Wildlife Sightings 4th - 10th May

Highlights: Garganey, Great White Egret, Southern Marsh Orchid, Mute Swan

10 May 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 27th April - 3rd May

Recent Wildlife Sightings 27th April - 3rd May

Highlights: Lesser Whitethroat, Great Crested Grebe, Nuthatch, Green-Veined White Butterfly

3 May 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 20th - 26th April

Recent Wildlife Sightings 20th - 26th April

Highlights: Little Stint, Whimbrel, Little Gull, Avocet

26 April 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 13th - 19th April

Recent Wildlife Sightings 13th - 19th April

Highlights: Grasshopper Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Great Crested Grebe, Barnacle Goose

19 April 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings 8-12 April

Recent Wildlife Sightings 8-12 April

Highlights: Reed Warbler, Sedge Warblers, Grass Snake, Slow Worm, White Throat

12 April 2024