
Recent Sightings 23rd January 2023

Recent Sightings 23rd January 2023

The weather has warmed up for our first day open in a while! We’ve had a nice mild morning to welcome visitors back to Castle Espie and to see the variety of birds that our lakes and ponds host. All parts of the reserve are now open again with lots of w

23 January 2023

Castle Espie Wetland Centre temporary closure

Castle Espie Wetland Centre temporary closure

Cases of avian influenza are widespread across the UK and we have sadly had a confirmed case in our collection birds at the centre.

19 January 2023

WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre Reopens Following  Recent Closure

WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre Reopens Following Recent Closure

WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre is open and welcoming back visitors after a temporary closure due to a confirmed case of avian influenza. 

19 January 2023

Recent Sightings 16th January 2023

Recent Sightings 16th January 2023

The frosty, windy morning didn’t bother the birds as much as it did us! Despite the chilly weather, there was lots to see on our lakes and ponds, as well as out on the exposed estuary. There were good numbers of Curlew feeding down the streams running o

16 January 2023

Recent Sightings 9th January 2023

Recent Sightings 9th January 2023

A sunny start to the day saw the Kingfisher out and about over the Wadermarsh before the rain set in. With the tide out and the mudflats exposed, huge numbers of Dunlin were out on the Estuary. Numbers of Shelduck on the Lough are increasing and catching

9 January 2023

Recent Sightings 2nd January 2023

Recent Sightings 2nd January 2023

Strangford Lough’s mudflats were covered with various waders this morning as the tide receded, exposing their feeding grounds. Huge numbers of Dunlin were out along with large groups of Shelduck and Oystercatcher dotted about in between. Pintail were al

2 January 2023

Recent Sightings 27th December 2022

Recent Sightings 27th December 2022

There was a rising tide for this Christmassy count on Tuesday, bringing groups of waders up the Estuary before the Strangford Lough mudflats were immersed in icy, cold seawater. Tiny Dunlin scuttle between groups of larger birds including Curlew, Oysterca

28 December 2022

Recent Sightings 12th December 2022

Recent Sightings 12th December 2022

Castle Espie was completely shrouded in frost this morning, followed swiftly by a wintery fog creeping over the Main Lake. The Estuary was bursting with life as waders of all shapes and sizes rushed to feed before the tide came in. A solo Snipe was hunker

12 December 2022

Recent Sightings 5th December 2022

Recent Sightings 5th December 2022

Start of December on the reserve and the temperature has definitely dropped! The Kingfisher was out on the Limestone Lake fishing in the cold winter sunshine, accompanied by a small trio of Otters playing in the water. Whilst the center has been closed, o

6 December 2022

Stay connected with the Giant Spirit of Castle Espie

Stay connected with the Giant Spirit of Castle Espie

Through a series of stories and online activities we'll reveal the #GiantSpiritofCastleEspie until we can reopen.

29 November 2022

Recent Sightings 21st November 2022

Recent Sightings 21st November 2022

This morning was incredibly windy and rainy out on the reserve and therefore, coupled with a high tide, there wasn’t much to see out on the Estuary! All the Brent were tucked away against the gales in sheltered bays but the tide did bring in a nice grou

21 November 2022

Recent Sightings 14th November 2022

Recent Sightings 14th November 2022

There was a nice selection of waders out on the Estuary at low tide on Monday, including lots of colourful Shelduck in amongst the Brent and Oystercatcher. Shelduck are best seen during the winter months when their numbers increase, although they are pres

15 November 2022

Recent Sightings 7th November 2022

Recent Sightings 7th November 2022

The rising tide bought a lot of birds up Strangford Lough and into the reserve this morning, including a small group of Knot (pictured) that were just clinging to the last of the exposed mudflats before the tide lifted them. Knot are small waders, which a

7 November 2022

Recent Sightings 31st October 2022

Recent Sightings 31st October 2022

A very windy Halloween here at Castle Espie today! Most birds were hiding from the gales this morning but a few were braving the wind. We have some nice visitors on the Main Lake including a solo Widgeon and a couple of male Northern shovelers. The male S

31 October 2022

Recent Sightings 25th October 2022

Recent Sightings 25th October 2022

Although Castle Espie is closed to visitors for the time being, we would still love to share with you the birds we’ve been getting out on the reserve – see if you can take yourself on an imaginary tour of our hides with these sightings! The Estuary i

25 October 2022