
Your guide to a rainy-day adventure at Castle Espie

Your guide to a rainy-day adventure at Castle Espie

Your guide to a rainy-day adventure at Castle Espie

21 July 2023

Recent Sightings 17th July 2023

Recent Sightings 17th July 2023

Our resident Shelduck ducklings are starting to look more like Shelduck teenagers now, as they sit casually on the Shingle Bank – their adult feathers starting to come through stronger and give them that iconic Shelduck plumage. A Grey heron and group o

17 July 2023

Environmental management certification awarded to WWT Castle Espie

Environmental management certification awarded to WWT Castle Espie

We are delighted to announce that Castle Espie are the first centre in the WWT to be awarded the prestigious ISO 14001 certification for Environmental Management.

13 July 2023

Recent Sightings 10th July 2023

Recent Sightings 10th July 2023

There was a lovely variety of different wetland birds out on the Estuary this morning as the tide went out. Between rainy showers, Grey herons and Little egrets were fishing in the streams running out onto the Lough and the Oystercatcher were busy feeding

10 July 2023

Recent Sightings 3rd July 2023

Recent Sightings 3rd July 2023

The tide was slowly creeping up the Lough for the first count of July this year, bringing Oystercatcher and Black-headed gulls up to sit right in front of the Brent Hide. There were also Greenshank (pictured) out feeding on the Estuary. Greenshank are les

3 July 2023

Recent Sightings 26th June 2023

Recent Sightings 26th June 2023

Bright blue skies and a cool breeze on the reserve today after thunderstorms, rain and lightning yesterday! The sunshine bought a Kingfisher out of hiding, making the most of the perfect fishing weather and spying over the Main Lake for small fish. The Tu

26 June 2023

Step into Summer at Castle Espie

Step into Summer at Castle Espie

Signs of summer are all around. From the reserve to the lakes and ponds to the woodland paths to fantastic events to keep everyone entertained.

22 June 2023

Recent Sightings 19th June 2023

Recent Sightings 19th June 2023

The tide was on its way up the Lough this morning, bringing with it an array of waders, gulls and sea ducks. The Eider were out on the water with a large crèche of ducklings, moving up and down with the waves and the larger Greater black-backed gull was

19 June 2023

Recent Sightings 12th June 2023

Recent Sightings 12th June 2023

Clear blue skies and sunny weather over Castle Espie for a beautiful June bird count. The tide was in, bring in all the Oystercatcher to the Shingle Bank and giving us a special glimpse of a Common seal swimming in the Lough off the end of the Pier. A few

13 June 2023

Recent Sightings 5th June 2023

Recent Sightings 5th June 2023

There was a nice variety of birds to see out on the Main Lake this morning, from the tiny, diving Little grebe to the large, impressive Mute swans. The Shelduck family held center stage though with their 8 shelducklings! The Shelduck (pictured) is one of

5 June 2023

Recent Sightings 29th May 2023

Recent Sightings 29th May 2023

With a high tide for the morning count, a small group of Eider (pictured) ducklings was visible out on the Lough from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory. These sturdy little ducklings can be seen in crèches, usually guarded by a number of adults

30 May 2023

Recent Sightings 22nd May 2023

Recent Sightings 22nd May 2023

The Limekiln balcony is the perfect viewing spot for migratory Sand martins (pictured) as they feed on the wing over the water. Sand martins over-winter in Africa, and arrive in the UK from March, staying until around October. Sand martins are smaller tha

22 May 2023

Recent Sightings 15th May 2023

Recent Sightings 15th May 2023

The tide was in for this morning’s count, bringing a small group of Light-bellied brent geese to float just outside the Brent Hide windows on the waters of Strangford Lough. As the mudflats were underwater, the Shingle Bank and Wadermarsh welcomed in la

15 May 2023

Recent Sightings 8th May 2023

Recent Sightings 8th May 2023

The first chicks are starting to show themselves on the reserve as little fluffy Moorhen chicks ran about on the Wadermarsh. The black-headed gulls are settling into their sites with eggs already in some nests. The Sedge warblers are singing strongly at t

9 May 2023

Quentin Blake art draws people to WWT Castle Espie

Quentin Blake art draws people to WWT Castle Espie

Reimagine the wonder of wetlands and nature through the eyes of the UK’s best loved illustrator – Quentin Blake at WWT Castle Espie from 18 May until February 2024, as part of a partnership Drawn to Water: Quentin Blake at WWT between renowned illustr

5 May 2023