
Recent Sightings - 1st March 2021

Recent Sightings - 1st March 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a rising tide. Spring has definitely arrived with the return of Black-headed gulls in numbers to the site. This red list species has successfully bred and increased in numb

2 March 2021

Recent Sightings - 22nd February 2021

Recent Sightings - 22nd February 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a high tide. The lengthening days and occasional sunshine have spurred the birds into spring mode and many are singing, establishing territories and seeking mates. Teal and

23 February 2021

Recent Sightings - 14th February 2021

Recent Sightings - 14th February 2021

The following sightings were taken on Sunday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a rising tide. The stormy weather continues to blow the birds around, and many unable to settle on their usual spots at high tide. Numerous birds have taken refuge at high

16 February 2021

Recent Sightings - 7th February 2021

Recent Sightings - 7th February 2021

The following sightings were taken on Sunday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a receding tide. A bracing easterly wind has forced the birds to seek shelter on the islands and rocky outcrops, and they have been fully utilizing the shelter afforded by t

9 February 2021

Wetland Conservation Charity collaborates with Mental Health Foundation to launch new guide on the benefits of Wetlands and Wellbeing

Wetland Conservation Charity collaborates with Mental Health Foundation to launch new guide on the benefits of Wetlands and Wellbeing

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), the conservation charity which runs Castle Espie Wetland Centre, in partnership with leading mental health charity the Mental Health Foundation (MHF), have created aguide to help people improve their mental health and w

2 February 2021

Recent Sightings - 31th January 2021

Recent Sightings - 31th January 2021

The following sightings were taken on Sunday from the reserve at Castle Espie at low tide. We have seen high levels of precipitation, and coupled with high tides have resulted in some birds moving to new areas to shelter and roost. Waders are very sensi

2 February 2021

Recent Sightings - 25th January 2021

Recent Sightings - 25th January 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie at high tide. Gadwall is a frequent winter visitor to Castle Espie and there were 61 birds spotted this week on the Main lake. Although they are not a very common duck to thes

26 January 2021

Recent Sightings - 18th January 2021

Recent Sightings - 18th January 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie at low tide. A pair of shoveler were spotted on the Freshwater lagoon. This duck is mainly a winter visitor and now breeds in only small numbers, having experienced a massive

19 January 2021

Recent Sightings - 11th January 2021

Recent Sightings - 11th January 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a rising tide. The Wadermarsh continues to comprise both Redshank and Greenshank as they feed along the mud around the edge of the islands. Although we see an influx of over

12 January 2021

Recent Sightings - 4th January 2021

Recent Sightings - 4th January 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a low tide. A nice start to the new year with the Scaup joined by another female on the Saline lagoon, and both birds have been regularly seen fishing together. The water r

5 January 2021

Recent Sightings - 28th December 2020

Recent Sightings - 28th December 2020

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a high tide. The freezing weather has taken hold, and the storm events have pushed a number of roosting birds into the reserve to seek refuge from the wind and the high tide

29 December 2020

Recent Sightings - 21st December 2020

Recent Sightings - 21st December 2020

Our recent "infrequent" visitors are still hanging around on the reserve this week. The female Scaup was seen roosting among the Tufted Duck in the Main lake this morning. It would appear she prefers the company of similar birds at night. Though has since

21 December 2020

Recent Sightings - 14th December 2020

Recent Sightings - 14th December 2020

All real collection of exciting birds around today; too many to choose! A Scaup is being seen regularly with the Tufted ducks, it's been moving between all the water bodies. Two Kingfishers are often being seen chasing each other away from their favourite

14 December 2020

Recent Sightings - 7th December 2020

Recent Sightings - 7th December 2020

Although Castle Espie is currently closed to the public, the nature reserve remains a safe haven for wildlife. The warden, over the past week as spotted lots of birds taking advantage of the peace and quiet: Merlin hunting along the shoreline, a Water Rai

7 December 2020

Recent Sightings - 30th November 2020

Recent Sightings - 30th November 2020

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on a rising tide. The cold weather has set in, and we are currently seeing a wide range of wading birds on the estuary. There are large flocks of Dunlin and Knot, which common

1 December 2020