
Wildlife sightings for 13th April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 13th April 2018

1 Shelduck - wader scrape 2 Pintail - grazing marsh 1 Glaucous Gull - main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 4 Redshank - grazing marsh, wader scrape 2 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 3 Snipe - wader scrape 1 Redstart - East bank 1 Yellow Wagtail - gr

13 April 2018

Recent Sightings (11th-13th April)

Recent Sightings (11th-13th April)

We found a lot of new of new activity during our regular nestbox checks, and with many completed nests, it shouldn't be long before we get our first eggs. A really nice surprise was a Tawny Owl chick that was found in one of our boxes. British Steel Hide

13 April 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 13th April - Osprey camera on the website

Latest Sightings - Friday 13th April - Osprey camera on the website

The rain has eased off now and it is a warm start to the day. Willow Warblers are singing in the Avenue and Saltcot Loaning this morning. The osprey nest camera is now live on our website, 10am - 5pm!

13 April 2018

Murky Thursday

Murky Thursday

The weather has been rather miserable for a few days now, but at least today looks as though it'll stay dry is just grey and overcast.  University of Bristol joined us for a dawn chorus walk this morning with several species singing despite the murk.  T

12 April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 12th April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 12th April 2018

2 Ring Ouzel - wader scrape bank 3 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 1 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 4 Redshank  - wader scrape 3 Swallow - reservoir lagoon 2 Reed Warbler - sheltered lagoon, wildside 4 Sedge Warbler - main reedbed, main lake, South route 5  Wil

12 April 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Coot Moorhen Little egret Avocet Redshank Lapwing Black-headed gull Reed bunting Tree sparrow Goldfinch Great tit Wood pigeon Carrion crow

12 April 2018

House Martin new for the year

House Martin new for the year

A damp cold easterly can't have been the greatest of welcomes for the years first House Martin (4) a reasonably early record for this species. Swallows and Sand Martin also again today. Some good wader counts with 129 Avocet, 310 Black-tailed Godwit, 50+

11 April 2018

Celebrity-Designed Dusty Ducks Land at WWT Llanelli

Celebrity-Designed Dusty Ducks Land at WWT Llanelli

The phenomenal celebrity-designed Dusty Ducks are coming back to WWT Llanelli this spring! Originally designed by the world-famous Aardman studios to celebrate WWT’s 70th anniversary, Dusty is a big duck on an exciting adventure – exploring, trying ne

11 April 2018

sightings for Wednesday 11th April

sightings for Wednesday 11th April

Water levels remain high on the washes with only the Main observatory open, mist is starting to lift from early this morning so more birds becoming visable now. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Egyptian goose Greylag goose Crane Mallard Shel

11 April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 11th April 2018

Wildlife sightings for 11th April 2018

1 Black Redstart (female) - main lake scrub en route to Peacock Tower 1 Ring Ouzel - wader scrape bank 1 Little Gull - main lake (p.m.) 1 Goosander - main lake (p.m) 4 Wigeon - marsh 9 Snipe 3 Jack Snipe - scrape 1 Yellow Wagtail - marsh 7 Swallow - over

11 April 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 11th April

Reserve Update Wednesday 11th April

  The first Swallow has been recorded for the site this spring.  Seen flying over the Folly Pond yesterday afternoon.  We have also heard the first Willow Warbler in the hedgerow surrounding the Peter Scott Observatory.  The Mute Swans are sitting

11 April 2018

Recent Sightings (7th-10th April)

Recent Sightings (7th-10th April)

British Steel Hide Wader counts from the steel hide including 738 Black-tailed Godwits, 231 Redshank, 17 Greenshank and 121 Knot. 3 Spoonbills have been present up until the 8th, and then there were 2 present on the 9th. A Peregine, 7 Shoveler, 20+ Tuft

10 April 2018

Sandwich Tern again

Sandwich Tern again

Migrants Plenty of Swallows over the pools and scrapes today, a few Sand Martin with them. A Sandwich Tern over the Severn at 0845am kept the near daily run of sightings going. A Reed Warbler was singing near the Holden Tower, Sedge Warblers were singing

10 April 2018

Reed Warbler an early arrival

Reed Warbler an early arrival

A fairly miserable start to the day with rain coming through from first light until near midday. A Reed Warbler was in song along the public footpath on the Outer Reed Bed Walk. This is possibly our earliest sighting of this species. Reed Warbler are one

10 April 2018

Wildlife sightings - 10/04/18

Wildlife sightings - 10/04/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet 25 Kestrel 2 Gadwall 3 Shelduck 24 Shoveler 8 Common snipe 2 Lapwing 22 Grey heron 19 Oystercatcher 2 Tufted duck 18 Eurasian teal 5 Saline Lagoon Shoveler 2 Shelduck 10 Hawthorn Wood Bullfinch 7 Great tit 8 Chaffin

10 April 2018