Duck the stress

Bring a friend for free this World Wetlands Day.

To celebrate this year’s World Wetlands Day we are inviting you to bring a friend for free to our UK wetland centres.

From Friday 2 to Sunday 4 February 2024 each paying visitor or WWT member can bring one person with them free of charge.

We want you and your loved ones to share the stress-busting superpowers of our beautiful, calming wetlands all across the UK.

Whether that’s by soaking up the stillness of a lake, following the path of a winding river or listening to the sound of waterbirds trumpeting over peaceful marshes, our research has shown that just ten minutes in a wetland setting can be enough to boost your mood.

To get more people out in blue spaces on World Wetlands Day we are offering free entry for a friend to any paying visitor or existing WWT member at our sites on the weekend of Friday 2 to Sunday 4 February 2024.

How to redeem the offer

You can buy your tickets online or on the day and a friend can enter with you for free. Members need only show their membership card at admissions. If you would like to book your paid ticket in advance, you can do so via your closest centre webpages.

World Wetlands Day

At WWT, we celebrate wetlands 365 days a year. But on 2 February, the world comes together to raise awareness of these super-powered habitats.

Find out more