The meadows around our reserve are being cut this week as part of our reserve management plan. This may mean there's some disturbance around Wader Lake and saline lagoon. Thank you for your patience as we do this essential work.


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Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings - 29/05/2021

Wildlife sightings - 29/05/2021

a.m. Tide Level: MidWader LakeCommon tern 300+ Avocet 23Blach-headed gull 57Lesser black-backed gull 1Oystercatcher 5 (2 chicks)Redshank 4Lapwing 11Grey heron 34Gadwall 3Shoveler 1Shelduck 44Tufted duck 18 (11 ducklings)Saline LagoonAvocet 1Oystercatcher

29 May 2021

wildlife Sightings - 27/05/2021

wildlife Sightings - 27/05/2021

wader lake:Avocet - 20black headed gull - 49Lapwing - 10Oystercatcher - 1Redshank - 2Tuffed Duck - 11Shellduck - Gadwall - 1Mute swan - 2Saline lagoon Grey heron - 2Avocet - 2Hawthorn woodNuthatch - 2Great spotted woodpeaker - 2Bullfinch - 2Blue tit - 3Gr

27 May 2021

Wildlife sightings - 26/05/2021

Wildlife sightings - 26/05/2021

a.m. Tide Level: LowWader LakeCommon tern 288Avocet 30 (+ 2 broods of chicks)Black-headed gullLapwing 6Oystercatcher 2Redshank 2Shelduck 30 (+12 ducklings)Swallow 12Sandmartin 3Grey heron 22Saline LagoonShelduck 3Oystercatcher 1Canada goose 2Hawthorn Wood

26 May 2021

Wildlife sightings - 25/05/2021

Wildlife sightings - 25/05/2021

a.m. Tide Level: MidWader LakeAvocet 41 (3 chicks)Tern 150+Mute swan 1Swift 4Swallow 1Canada goose 15Black-headed gull 34Grey heron 22Oystercatcher 1Shelduck 46Lapwing 9Saline LagoonGery heron 1Shelduck 1Hawthorn WoodGreat-spotted woodpecker 3Blue tit 3Co

25 May 2021

Wildlife sightings - 24/05/2021

Wildlife sightings - 24/05/2021

a.m. Tide Level: LowWader LakeShelduck 44 (10 ducklings)Gadwall 2Lapwing 13Oystercatcher 1Tufted duck 8Avocet 30Black-headed gull 42Shoveler 1Tern 202Coot 2Swift 2Swallow 1Great black-backed gullGrey heron 26 (8 fledglings)Saline LagoonAvocet 1Shelduck 3C

24 May 2021

Wildlife sightings - 23/05/2021

Wildlife sightings - 23/05/2021

a.m. Tide Level: MidWader Lake (not full count)Avocet 30Common tern 200+Saline LagoonAvocet 2Shelduck 3Grey heron 1Hawthorn WoodGreat-spotted woodpecker 1Nuthatch 1Bullfinch 3Greenfinch 1Chaffinch 3Reed bunting 1The Lookout Bullfinch2Chaffinch 2Great tit

23 May 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 22/05/21

Wildlife Sightings - 22/05/21

Weather: Overcast, drizzleWind speed: BreezeRiver Wear Tide Level: MidWader Lake Time:AM Water Level:LowMute Swan - 7 (2 adults & 5 cygnets)Grey Heron - 29 (11 adults & 18 juvenile/chicks)Avocet - 30 (26 adults & 4 chicks)Oystercatcher - 4Redshank

22 May 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 21/05/21

Wildlife Sightings - 21/05/21

Weather - Light rain/OvercastWind Speed - LightRiver wear Tide Level - HighWader Lake - amDunlin 1Little Ringed Pluver 1Avocet 28Lapwing 7Oyster catcher 3Redshank 2G Tern 236Black Headed Gull 89Lesser Black Heade Gull 2Shelduck 12 + 12 ducklingsSaline Lag

21 May 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 20/05/21

Wildlife Sightings - 20/05/21

Weather - Overcast, mildWind Speed - BreezeRiver Wear Tide Level - Mid ^Wader Lake - amWater Level - Mid(Totals approximate due to disturbance) Shoveler 2Canada Goose 15Lapwing 4Oystercatcher 2Redshank 1Swallow 2Avocet 27Black Headed Gull 58Common Tern 10

20 May 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 19/05/2021

Wildlife Sightings - 19/05/2021

Weather: sunny, warm, cloudyWind speed: lightRiver Wear tide level: highWader Lake - am - water level lowAvocet 46Lapwing 6Redshank 3Oystercatcher 4Common tern 150Mute swan 8 ( 2 adults, 6 cygnets)Shelduck 53 (11 chicks + 1 ruddy)Grey heron 25Shoveler 1 (

19 May 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 18/05/21

Wildlife Sightings - 18/05/21

a.m. Water Level: LowWader LakeAvocet 36Lapwing 7Common tern 115Common Sandpiper 1Redshank 4Common shelduck 40Ruddy shelduck 1Shoveler 2 (male)Saline LagoonShelduck 14Sedge Warbler 2Swallow 3Sand Martin 1Hawthorn WoodLong-Tailed Tit 4Reed bunting 1 (male)

18 May 2021

Wildlife sightings - 17/05/2021

Wildlife sightings - 17/05/2021

a.m. Tide Level: HighWader LakeAvocet 43Lapwing 13Redshank 4Common tern 110Pied wagtail 3Ruddy shelduck 1Common shelduck 46Oystercatcher 2Tufted duck 14Shoveler 2Gadwall 6Greylag 7Black-headed gull 85Canada goose 20Lesser black-backed gull 1Saline Lagoon

17 May 2021

wildlife Sightings - 16/05/2021

wildlife Sightings - 16/05/2021

Weather: Rainy & OvercastWind speed: lowRiver Wear tide level:midWader Lake:Am:water level: midAvocet - 47kedshank - 5Lapwing - 15Oyster Catcher - 3pIed Wagtail - 1Common tern - 141gadwall - 8Shoveler - 3Swallow - 7Mute swan - 1Tuffed duck - 10Saline lago

16 May 2021

Wildlife Sightings 14/05/21

Wildlife Sightings 14/05/21

Wader LakeamLapwing (mainly on meadow) 10 + 4 chicksCommon Tern 116Black Headed Gulls 67Avocets 38Lesser Black Backed Gull (chased off by Avocet) 3Gadwall 2Canada Geese 15Greylag Geese 4 + 4 goslingsShelduck 30Ruddy Shelduck 1Teal 2Oystercatcher 1Swallow

15 May 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 13/05/21

Wildlife Sightings - 13/05/21

Weather: OvercastWind Speed: LightRiver Wear Tide Level: LowWader Lake Time: AM Water Level: MidAvocet - 22Common Tern - 68Oystercatcher - 4Lapwing - 13Redshank - 2Gadwall - 8 (7 male & 1 female)Shoveler - 1 maleShelduck - 22Tufted Duck - 4Grey He

13 May 2021