The meadows around our reserve are being cut this week as part of our reserve management plan. This may mean there's some disturbance around Wader Lake and saline lagoon. Thank you for your patience as we do this essential work.


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Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings - 23/08/2021

Wildlife sightings - 23/08/2021

Weather: sunny - some cloud Wind speed: low River wear tide level: midA.MWader Lake:Black tailed Godwit - 9Redshank - 17Lapwing - 290Curlew - 7Avocet - 6Snipe - 2Teal - 24Common tern - 1Grey heron - 4Saline Lagoon:Grey heron - 1Mallard - 40Other bird note

23 August 2021

Wildlife sighting 22/08/2021

Wildlife sighting 22/08/2021

Weather: wet overcast Wind speed: low River wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Avocet - 6Lapwing - 308Black tailed Godwit - 3Snipe - 2Curlew - 2Green sandpiper - 1Dunlin - 1Common tern - 3Greylag - 2Teal - 17Gadwall - 1Other birds noted around site:Grey he

22 August 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 21/08/2021

Wildlife Sightings - 21/08/2021

Weather: raining Wind speed: mild River wear tide level: lowA.MWader Lake:Avocet - 5Lapwing - 90Snipe - 2Curlew - 3Greenshank - 2Black tailed Godwit - 6Redshank - 4Saline Lagoon:Tufted ducks - 6Mallards - 4Other birds noted around site:Mute swans - 2 (Riv

21 August 2021

Wildlife Sightings -20/08/2021

Wildlife Sightings -20/08/2021

Weather: overcast Wind speed: light River wear tide level: lowA.MWader Lake:Lapwing - 62Black Headed Gull - 8Common Tern - 3Avocet - 7Redshank - 1Dunlin - 2Snipe 2Black tailed gowit - 3Heron - 6Curlew - 4Teal - 18Saline lagoon:Mallards - 8Tufted ducks - 4

21 August 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 19/08/2021

Wildlife Sightings - 19/08/2021

Weather: overcast Wind speed: mild River wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Lapwings - 85Black headed gulls - 20Common tern - 1Avocet - 4Redshank - 25Heron - 1Curlew - 8Black tail Godwit - 6Saline Lagoon:Mallard - 6Lapwings - 2Other bird noted around site:

21 August 2021

Wildlife sightings - 18/08/2021

Wildlife sightings - 18/08/2021

a.m. Tide Level: MidWader LakeDunlin 2Avocet 3Lapwing 222Curlew 19Redshank 13Black-tailed godwit 8Spotted redshank 1Black-headed gull 183Herring gull 2Lesser black-backed gull 1Common tern 2Chelduck juvenile 1Teal 20Saline LagoonMallard 22Curlew 1Lapwing

18 August 2021

Wildlife sightings - 17/08/2021

Wildlife sightings - 17/08/2021

a.m. Tide Level: MidWader LakeCurlew 49Black-tailed godwit 9Redshank 35Lapwing 326Common snipe 3Avocet 5Green sandpiper 1Dunlin 1Common tern 6Black-headed gull 126Saline LagoonLapwing 3Mallard 45Hawthorn WoodNuthatch 1Stock dove 1Wood pigeon 1Bullfinch 2C

17 August 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 16/08/2021

Wildlife Sightings - 16/08/2021

Weather: cloudy Wind speed: low River wear tide level: highA.MWader lake:Black tailed Godwit - 4Lapwing - 155Avocet - 2Redshank - 14Curlew - 16Dunnin - 1Greenshank - 1Black heeded gull - 113Herring gull - 2Leser Black backed gull - 1Common tern - 1Teal -

16 August 2021

wildlife Sightings - 15/08/2021

wildlife Sightings - 15/08/2021

Weather: overcast - Raining Wind speed: low River wear tide level:HighA.MWader lake:Avocel - 3Black tailed Godwit - 9Redshank - 46Spotted redshank - 1Curlew - 13Lapwing - 121Common snipe - 3Dunin - 1Common tern - 5Black headed gull - 128Lesser black backe

15 August 2021

wildlife Sightings - 14/08/2021

wildlife Sightings - 14/08/2021

Weather: sunny/ overcast Wind Speed: mid River Wear Tide Level: HighA.MWader lake:Redshank - 40Avocet - 4Common terns - 6Herons - 7Snipe - 2Lapwings - 8Curlew - 12Black headed gull - 36Shell duck - 2Saline Lagoon:Black headed gulls - 12Tufted duck - 8Oth

15 August 2021

Wildlife sightings - 13/08/2021

Wildlife sightings - 13/08/2021

a.m. Tide Level: Mid-lowWader LakeLapwing 12Grey heron 6Oystercatcher 4Redshank 28Comon tern 15Curlew 3Shelduck 3Black-headed gull 85Saline LagoonMoorhen 3Mallard 7Hawthorn WoodBlue tit 5Coal tit 1Chaffinch 1Jay 1Magpie 1Robin 3Nuthatch 1The LookoutBullfi

13 August 2021

Wildlife sightings - 12/08/2021

Wildlife sightings - 12/08/2021

a.m. Tide Level: HighWader LakeAvocet 4Black-tailed godwit 4Curlew 9Lapwing 81Common snipe 3Redshank 26Spotted redshank 1Common tern 7Grey heron 6Black-headed gull 199Lesser black-backed gull 1Saline LagoonHerring gull 17Hawthorn WoodTree sparrow 1Jay 2Gr

12 August 2021

Wildlife sightings - 11/08/2021

Wildlife sightings - 11/08/2021

a.m. Tide Level: MidWader LakeLapwing 12Redshank 23Common tern 7Avocet 4Grey heron 1Black-headed gull 35Curlew 2Black-tailed godwit 3Saline LagoonSwallow 4Mallard 6Hawthorn WoodGreat-spotted woodpecker 1Nuthatch 1Greenfinch 2Robin 4Blue tit 6Dunnock 1The

11 August 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 10/08/2021

Wildlife Sightings - 10/08/2021

Weather: Warm + Dry Wind speed: Low River Wear Tide Level: MidA.MWader Lake:Redshank - 12Black Tailed Godwit - 8Common Snipe - 3Leser black backed gull - 2Lapwing - 230Black headed gull - 63Curlew - 12Oystercatcher - 3Common tern - 5Avocet - 6Grey Heron -

10 August 2021

Wildlife Sightings - 09/08/2021

Wildlife Sightings - 09/08/2021

Monday - AMWater Level: Mid/LowWeather: Overcast, mildWader LakeTeal - 8Black Headed Gull (adult + juvenile) - 51Mallard (inc. 6 juvenile) - 12Shelduck (juvenile) - 6Avocet - 6Black Tailed Godwit - 5Common Tern (inc. 2 chicks) - 6Redshank - 1Curlew - 3Lap

9 August 2021