The flamingos and the red tractor

There's a bit of an "urban legend" (even though we're quite rural here at WWT!) going around Slimbridge that the flamingos love the sound of tractors and, to be specific, the sound of red tractors. Now the analytical, unsympathetic scientist in me could dismiss this as conjecture and a lovely story to hand down from colleague to colleague. Until today that is, when I was in the right place at the right time, and happened to watch this strange situation enfold in front of me...

It's midday and the Andean flamingos are standing quite contently on the bank at the back of their enclosure. The air is filled with the sound of angry shelducks, baby jackdaws and, in the background, the gentle hum of a tractor's engine; that is clearly heading this way. An intrepid chap on a bright red tractor is mowing the lawn next to Swan Lake (skillfully avoiding ducks, trees and small children). Watching the flamingos, I see the birds stick their heads up in the air and look very interested (or as interested as a flamingo can look in its surrounds) as this machine comes closer, and they begin to mill around. I have seen this milling around before. And I have learnt to recognise what it means... time for a flamingo dance. I love watching the Andean flamingos marching; they are so beautifully coordinated and look like they are performing something that has been well-rehearsed and choreographed. And indeed, they do not disappoint.

Exhibit A; one red tractor.
Exhibit A; one red tractor.

Exhibit B; one flock of excited flamingos.
Exhibit B; one flock of excited flamingos.

Round and round goes the tractor; round and round go the flamingos. It's quite the spectacle. Even good old Mr James joins in. So perhaps there is some truth in the old wives' tale of the love affair between flamingos and tractors? Who knows. But one thing's for certain, if it encourages some wonderful breeding activity then it cannot be a bad thing!

Here's a short clip of the action as it happens. You can just make out the sound of the tractor in the background (excuse the quality, I am no BBC sound crew!). Enjoy!

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Exhibit C; the distance between said tractor and said flamingos...
Exhibit C; the distance between said tractor and said flamingos...

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