Lesser only in name.

Introducing the smallest flamingo.

The Latin (scientific) name of the lesser flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor, means "crimson water nymph", perfectly apt for this, the smallest and one of the brightest species of flamingo. WWT Slimbridge holds the largest captive flock of this little gem in the UK (and one of the largest flocks on display in Europe too) and these birds are very important for several reasons. Lesser flamingos are facing a bleak future in the wild, with the potential for human disturbance to their habitat to cause mass population declines. Consequently captive birds enable the chance for captive breeding to be undertaken that can help increase the bird's overall population numbers; this flocks is also an excellent tool for educating the wider world about the importance of flamingo conservation and biology. Lesser flamingos are wonderful models of adaptation and evolution, and they perform a myriad of complex courtship behaviours. Keep checking back to the flamingo diary for more details on this small but very special flamingo.

The smallest species of flamingo and not a common sight in captivity, be sure to check out the large flock of lesser flamingos at WWT Slimbridge. One of the highlights of a visitor to the centre.

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