Feeding frenzy... one to watch out for!

All pile in! Greater flamingos foraging around the edge of Flamingo Lagoon.
All pile in! Greater flamingos foraging around the edge of Flamingo Lagoon.

If you're lucky enough to be around Slimbridge at the time of the afternoon duck feed, then wander over to the South American Pen and to Flamingo Lagoon and you'll be in for a treat of up and close and personal flamingo viewing. The Chilean and greater flamingos seem love a bit of the corn that Duane, Phoebe and co. distribute for the ducks on their twice daily rounds, and in the afternoon they will come right up to the edges of their pools to stamp around in the shallows to stir it up. The South American Pen can go quite wild with ducks, geese, flamingos, moorhens and coots all milling around together in search of a tasty snack. Of course the flamingos are not really that hungry; they have their own special pellet fed out to them. This is simply another free meal that they can cash in on! But was it does allow for are exceptionally close views of the birds. And they wont mind people standing there watching them. The Chilean flamingos will go right up to the benches near the stepping stones, and the greater flamingos will foraging all the way along the edge of the path. There are not that many places that allow such a nose-to-beak flamingo encounter. And that is what makes Slimbridge such a special place!

Check out the clip below...

[yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4vff2KKHXM']

The South American Pen is a pinker place when the duck feeding barrow has been through!
The South American Pen is a pinker place when the duck feeding barrow has been through!

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