Flamingo diary

Flamingos are one of the most popular animals exhibited in animal collections. If you’re keen to learn more about them and delve deeper in the ways in which WWT keeps its flamingos then follow Paul's diary up-to-date with all things flamingo. Paul Rose is a PhD student from the University of Exeter’s Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour, currently based in the Conservation Programmes Directorate at WWT, who is investigating the social behaviour of captive flamingo flock

Learning more about our foster chicks

Learning more about our foster chicks

What did this summer's research project on our wonderful fostered Chilean flamingos tell us? That they are settling into their new home and have made some new friends!

27 September 2019

Baby flamingos- why the long wait?!

Baby flamingos- why the long wait?!

Congratulations to the animal keepers and to the flamingos at WWT Washington on the successful hatching of a Chilean flamingo chick for the first time in four years. But why the long wait...? It's all explained by flamingo ecology.

31 August 2019

Gold-winning flamingos!

Gold-winning flamingos!

The flamingo science at WWT Slimbridge has won a Gold Award in the research category at the 2019 BIAZA Awards.

5 July 2019

A biography of Mr James

A biography of Mr James

Everyone's favourite pink bird and one of the stars of WWT's living collection- find out more about our very special (and unique) James' flamingo.

3 June 2019

Flamenco flamingo - What's in a name?

Flamenco flamingo - What's in a name?

Flamingos are well-known for their colour and dancing skills, their habits of standing on one leg. But why are they called flamingos?

1 May 2019

A new chapter for the foster chicks

A new chapter for the foster chicks

The foster chicks have flown the nest! Where have they moved to and what happens now? Find out more details in this update to the WWT Flamingo Diary.

1 April 2019

Get spotting some flamingo romance

Get spotting some flamingo romance

It's the time of year when flamingo courtship display really gets going. So why are they such good dancers? And what moves should you look out for on your next visit to a WWT flamingo flock?

4 March 2019

Caring for flamingos the world over

Caring for flamingos the world over

Happy New Year flamingo followers. And welcome to the first edition of the WWT Flamingo Diary for 2019. I am going to start off the new year with some exciting news. You may be aware that WWT is the home of the Flamingo Specialist Group, an organisation t

8 January 2019

Flamingo homes: Not always palm trees and pineapples.

Flamingo homes: Not always palm trees and pineapples.

Flamingos really are on trend at the moment. And with the array of flamingo-related Christmas gifts and merchandise available you'll be forgiven for thinking that all of these birds live on palm-fringed beaches dancing around with pineapples, piña colada

3 December 2018

A very special birthday

A very special birthday

This flamingo diary gives you chance to look out for a very special animal at WWT Slimbridge. He's a home-grown bird, hatched in the Andean flamingo flock, and this year sees his 30th birthday. JAA, hatched in summer 1988, is a tall flamingo with an equa

8 November 2018

Flamingo baby-sitting services

Flamingo baby-sitting services

What's going on here? Chilean and greater flamingo guardians whilst foster parents go and enjoy themselves? It's a slice of 21st century society in the WWT Slimbridge Andean Flamingo Pen. As days get shorter as autumn progresses, so flamingo chicks get

19 October 2018

There's more than just foster chicks going on

There's more than just foster chicks going on

Autumn is generally a quieter time in the WWT flamingo flocks. Chicks are becoming well-grown and adults can "relax" as the breeding season winds down. The Andean-fostered Chilean flamingo chicks are still relatively fluffy, but chicks in the other flocks

22 September 2018

Fostering flamingo chicks- Andeans do it best

Fostering flamingo chicks- Andeans do it best

For those following the fascinating story of the Andean flamingos' breeding exploits this summer, here is an update on their current activities. Six Chilean flamingo chicks are now residing with their doting foster parents. Another bird is currently sat o

20 August 2018

An Andean update

An Andean update

The Andean flamingos are potentially this year's summer sensation at WWT Slimbridge. At least they are for me and the other flamingo lovers on site! Here's an update with some footage and photos of what they have been getting up to. And why you should com

22 July 2018

Hot enough to make an Andean flamingo?

Hot enough to make an Andean flamingo?

There’s some excitement in the air this month at WWT Slimbridge. The long spell of very high temperatures has had quite an effect on the Andean flamingo flock. Love clearly has been (and is still) in the air. Three pairs are occupying three nest mounds

8 July 2018