Latest sightings

Boxing day Bittern

Boxing day Bittern

Redwing in wildside tree tops

26 December 2019

Yellow-legged Gull on the main lake

Yellow-legged Gull on the main lake

Adult Yellow-legged Gull on the main lake in front of WWF, with 2 Bittern and Goldeneye also on site this morning.

24 December 2019

Kingfisher and 2 Bittern

Kingfisher and 2 Bittern

2 Bittern showing well in the winter sun this morning on the reservoir lagoon and main lake.

23 December 2019

Kestrel hunting over the South route

Kestrel hunting over the South route

Kestrel hunting over the South route at first light this morning.

22 December 2019

Plenty of Snipe out in the rain

Plenty of Snipe out in the rain

Pintail and Shelduck also on the reserve today

20 December 2019

Bittern showing well on the main lake South shore

Bittern showing well on the main lake South shore

Bittern showing very well from the Peacock Tower in the reeds between WWF and Dulverton hides this morning.

19 December 2019

Wintering Goldeneye on the reservoir lagoon

Wintering Goldeneye on the reservoir lagoon

Long-staying female Goldeneye still on the reservoir lagoon, plus good count of Snipe on the flooded grazing marsh

18 December 2019

Shelduck and Bittern showing well on the main lake

Shelduck and Bittern showing well on the main lake

Goldeneye and Pintail on the reservoir lagoon

17 December 2019

Good numbers of winter waterfowl

Good numbers of winter waterfowl

Duck numbers building nicely with Jack Snipe and a good count of 22 Common Snipe on site this morning.

16 December 2019

Goldeneye showing well on the reservoir lagoon

Goldeneye showing well on the reservoir lagoon

Good numbers of migrant Redwing, Water Rail and 2 Goldeneye also on site this morning.

15 December 2019

Bittern in the reedbeds

Bittern in the reedbeds

Lots of water Rail calling this morning too

14 December 2019

Snipe and Stonechat showing well on the wader scrape

Snipe and Stonechat showing well on the wader scrape

Peregrine falcon out on the hunting this morning

13 December 2019

Caspian gull and Jack Snipe on main lake

Caspian gull and Jack Snipe on main lake

2nd winter Caspian Gull with Herring Gulls, plus Jack Snipe, Bittern and Water Pipit

12 December 2019

Goldeneye and Pintail on the reservoir lagoon

Goldeneye and Pintail on the reservoir lagoon

A variety of Thrushes were spotted this morning including Fieldfare Redwing and Mistle Thrush

11 December 2019

lots of Water Pipit activity on the marsh

lots of Water Pipit activity on the marsh

Chiffchaff in wildside with a mixed flock of Long-tailed tits and Goldcrest

10 December 2019