Latest sightings

Oystercatchers still on main lake island w/c 1st June 2020

Oystercatchers still on main lake island w/c 1st June 2020

Pair of Oystercatchers continue to display to each other on main lake shingle. Also Mediterranean Gull and good numbers of Swift overhead

4 June 2020

Birds breeding across the reserve w/c May 25th 2020

Birds breeding across the reserve w/c May 25th 2020

From reed warblers to lapwings there are birds busy nesting and feeding young in all the different habitats on the SSSI at the end of May. Many more Dragonflies are on the wing, and the spring flowers are a blaze of colour everywhere you walk

29 May 2020

Buzzard low over the reserve 21st May 2020

Buzzard low over the reserve 21st May 2020

Also Yellow Wagtails on the marsh and several Chiffchaff territories

22 May 2020

Firecrest singing in wildside 19th May 2020

Firecrest singing in wildside 19th May 2020

Firecrest spotted with Goldcrests in willow scrub. Reed Buntings, Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers all breeding on the reserve

20 May 2020

Grasshopper Warbler singing 12th May 2020

Grasshopper Warbler singing 12th May 2020

Grasshopper Warbler singing from the main lake shore a.m. Good count of Sedge Warbler also around the main lake borders

13 May 2020

Whitethroat and Garden Warbler recorded 7th May 2020

Whitethroat and Garden Warbler recorded 7th May 2020

Good counts of breeding passerines on site. Lots of butterflies spotted this week too.

8 May 2020

Hobby on the reserve 6th May 2020

Hobby on the reserve 6th May 2020

Migrant Hobby on the marsh. Also Mandarin ducklings on the water

8 May 2020

Ring Ouzel and Yellow Wagtails 5th May 2020

Ring Ouzel and Yellow Wagtails 5th May 2020

Grazing marsh attracting daily Yellow Wagtail and wader species. Male Ring Ouzel on the scrape bank.

6 May 2020

Whinchat and Yellow Wagtails on marsh 1st May 2020

Whinchat and Yellow Wagtails on marsh 1st May 2020

Whinchat and Yellow Wagtails feeding on the marsh, plus Mediterranean Gull and Lesser Whitethroat recorded

2 May 2020

Bird sightings for 29th April 2020

Bird sightings for 29th April 2020

Plenty of spring migration plus breeding birds singing from their territories

2 May 2020

Whinchat on marsh April 27th

Whinchat on marsh April 27th

Whinchat on edge of marsh today plus Swifts overhead and many more Sand Martins using the nest bank

28 April 2020

Greenshank flock all day on main lake April 21st

Greenshank flock all day on main lake April 21st

Migrant Greenshank flock stayed all day on a central island on the main lake

28 April 2020

Third week of April 2020 sightings

Third week of April 2020 sightings

A pair of Mediterranean Gull have been spotted most days, along with Common Tern and Sandpiper species

28 April 2020

Second week of April 2020 bird sightings

Second week of April 2020 bird sightings

Wheatear and Yellow Wagtails spotted

28 April 2020

First week of April 2020 bird sightings

First week of April 2020 bird sightings

Swallows, Sand Martins and migrant waders

28 April 2020