Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 3rd May 2021

Wildlife sightings for 3rd May 2021

Female Whinchat on the grazing marsh keeping company with a small group of Yellow Wagtail.

3 May 2021

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2021

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2021

Male Whinchat on the grazing marsh and Little Ringed Plover on the wader scrape.

2 May 2021

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2021

Greenshank and Bar-tailed Godwit still on site.

29 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2021

Bar-tailed Godwit still in world wetlands with good numbers of Swift over the main lake.

28 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2021

Bar-tailed Godwit still in world wetlands and 2 Mediterranean Gull over the main lake.

27 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2021

Bar-tailed Godwit still in world wetlands with Common Sandpiper and Greenshank on the reserve.

26 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 25th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 25th April 2021

Bar-tailed Godwit showing well in world wetlands, 4 Greenshank on the marsh and main lake

25 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 23rd April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 23rd April 2021

Reedbeds full of singing Reed Warbler with Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler in the woodland and scrub

23 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2021

Greenshank and Godwits on the reserve

22 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 21st April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 21st April 2021

Bar-tailed Godwits and Black-tailed Godwit feeding late morning

21 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 20th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 20th April 2021

Greenshank on main lake plus Yellow Wagtail and Mediterranean Gulls on site

20 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 19th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 19th April 2021

White Stork flew off main lake a.m. heading west, plus a lot more Reed Warbler freshly arrived

19 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 18th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 18th April 2021

Green Sandpipers on the marsh plus House Martin and Yellow Wagtail passing through

18 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 17th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 17th April 2021

Whitethroat singing sheltered lagoon

17 April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 16th April 2021

Wildlife sightings for 16th April 2021

Influx of warblers today with great numbers of Willow Warbler and Blackcap

16 April 2021