Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2021

Skylark, Redwing, Siskin and Lesser Redpoll over the site this morning.

24 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2021

Migrant Redwing feeding on the reserve. Bittern on the main lake reed fringe

23 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2021

Peregrine hunting over the main lake.

21 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 20th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 20th October 2021

Bittern on the reservoir lagoon.

20 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 19th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 19th October 2021

Dunlin feeding on the muddy marsh, and 2 Bittern on the reserve

19 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 18th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 18th October 2021

Bittern showing on main lake this morning, plus Pipits, Skylark and Siskin migrating through

18 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2021

Bittern showing on the reservoir lagoon this morning and on the main lake this afternoon, with Pintail and Little Grebe also on site elsewhere.

17 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2021

Bittern showing very well on the North shore of the main lake from Dulverton hide.

16 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2021

3 Meadow Pipit dropping on to the wader scrape and 6 Chiffchaff amongst a mixed flock in wildside.

13 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2021

Pintail on the wader scrape this morning.

12 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2021

Stonechat pair and Snipe showing well on the wader scrape.

10 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2021

Little Grebe on the wader scrape with heavy fog across the site this morning.

9 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 6th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 6th October 2021

Whinchat on the grazing marsh fenceline today.

6 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 5th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 5th October 2021

Cattle Egret amongst the cows on the grazing marsh this afternoon.

5 October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 4th October 2021

Wildlife sightings for 4th October 2021

Stonechat pair on the grazing marsh fenceline.

4 October 2021