Latest sightings

Recent sightings - 17th July

Recent sightings - 17th July

  The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 14, Greylag 7 (+ 5 goslings), Coot 7, Little grebe 1. Freshwater lagoon – visible from Brent

17 July 2015

Recent sightings - 13th July

Recent sightings - 13th July

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 9 (+ 1 ducklings), Greylag 8 (+ 5 goslings), Coot 3, Little grebe 1. Wadermarsh - visible from Bren

13 July 2015

Recent sightings - 3rd July

Recent sightings - 3rd July

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 8 (+ 4 ducklings), Greylag 7 (+ 5 goslings), Coot 4. Freshwater lagoon – visible from Brent Hide a

3 July 2015

Recent sightings - 29th June

Recent sightings - 29th June

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 11, Greylag 7 (+ 5 goslings), Coot 3, Shelduck 2 (+ 8 ducklings). Freshwater lagoon – visible from

29 June 2015

Recent sightings - 26th June

Recent sightings - 26th June

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 4, Greylag 6, Coot 1, Little grebe 1, Shelduck 3. Freshwater lagoon – visible from Brent Hide and

26 June 2015

Recent sightings - 22nd June

Recent sightings - 22nd June

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 4 (1 female with 2 ducklings), Greylag 8 (with 5 goslings), Coot 1, Little grebe 1. Freshwater lagoo

22 June 2015

Recent Sightings - 19th June

Recent Sightings - 19th June

The following sightings were recorded by Pete Matchett, Reserve Warden Our Mute Swan pair are still sitting tight on 5 eggs by the Freshwater Lagoon just as you step out onto the reserve. The female has hardly left the nest since incubation began and the

19 June 2015

Recent sightings - 15th June

Recent sightings - 15th June

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 13, Greylag 6 (with 5 goslings), Coot 2, Little grebe 2. Freshwater lagoon – visible from Brent Hi

15 June 2015

Recent sightings - 12th June

Recent sightings - 12th June

  The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 19, Greylag 4 (with 5 goslings growing extremely fast!), Coot 1, Little grebe 1, Herring gull 3,

12 June 2015

Recent sightings - 9th June

Recent sightings - 9th June

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 16, Greylag 2 (with 5 goslings!), Coot 3. Freshwater lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog Tuft

9 June 2015

Recent sightings - 3rd June

Recent sightings - 3rd June

  The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Tufted duck 13, Mute swan 1, Greylag 2 (with 5 goslings!), Shelduck 2, Coot 1. Freshwater lagoon - visible f

3 June 2015

Recent Sightings - 28th May

Recent Sightings - 28th May

The following sightings were recorded by Pete Matchett, Reserve Warden Our Mute Swan pair have finally settled on a nesting site on the Freshwater Lagoon just as you step out onto the reserve. They are nesting just a couple of metres from the path, howev

28 May 2015

Recent Sightings - 21 May

Recent Sightings - 21 May

The following sightings were recorded by Toni Castello, Senior Reserve Warden Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Greylag goose 7 (1 pair with 5 goslings) Tufted duck 13 Freshwater lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannog Tuf

21 May 2015

Recent Sightings - 11th May

Recent Sightings - 11th May

The following sightings were recorded by Pete Matchett, Reserve Warden The second breeding bird survey of the year was carried out on Friday the 8th. This revealed to us which migratory species are holding territories and breeding on site this season. Sp

11 May 2015

Recent Sightings - 2nd May

Recent Sightings - 2nd May

The following sightings were recorded by Pete Matchett, Reserve Warden Swallows have well and truly returned with numbers of around 30 feeding over the Main Lake and Freshwater Lagoon. One pair also seem to be interested in nesting in the round house. Ri

2 May 2015