Caerlaverock news

Spoonbills, Snipe & special Sparrows

Spoonbills, Snipe & special Sparrows

Spoonbills, Snipe and a leucistic House Sparrow are recent sighting highlights.

22 July 2022

Osprey & Garganey

Osprey & Garganey

The other week, a drake Garganey in eclipse (moult) was seen on the Folly pond by our guide in the hide Fiona. It was spotted again the following day but seems to have moved elsewhere since.The Garganey is a small dabbling duck, slightly larger than a Tea

1 July 2022

Great Egret-spectations

Great Egret-spectations

A Great white egret has graced our reserve with its presence.

17 June 2022

New Life Emerging

New Life Emerging

As the spring season continues, we welcome the arrival of young animals and the progression of several species' life cycles

27 May 2022

Bright Sun and Butterflies

Bright Sun and Butterflies

The sun has been shining on Caerlaverock this week and the butterflies are out and about everywhere enjoying the good weather.

23 April 2022

Tidal flooding again...ready for World Wetlands Day

Tidal flooding again...ready for World Wetlands Day

We have had a repeat of the tidal flooding that we got at the beginning of January, so if you missed it before, come on down tomorrow (Sun 2nd Feb) and enjoy the fantastic spectacle of thousands of wildfowl and waders taking advantage of the flooded field

1 February 2014

More big high tides!

More big high tides!

After the tidal flooding at the beginning of January we have got a bit of work to do fixing fences in the fields and on the merse, but there's no point in doing it just yet, as we have even more big tides on the way! Today (Fri 31st Jan) is a 10 metre hig

31 January 2014

Tidal surge floods most of reserve

Tidal surge floods most of reserve

The reserve looks very different today after the tidal surge breached our sea wall and flooded into our fields yesterday. Most of the reserve is now under water, which made for great views of waders from the Avenue Tower after the high tide yesterday.

4 January 2014

Caerlaverock 3rd July 2013

Caerlaverock 3rd July 2013

Female Marsh Harrier over The Meadow and Flood Ground this morning, Little Grebe back on The Teal Pond and Common Sandpiper on The Folly Pond. A new-ish brood of Lapwing chicks (C1 wk-old) in The Lochar Field, earlier broods have now fledged and form part

3 July 2013

Tuesday 28th May

Tuesday 28th May

Still awaiting Osprey hatching (viewed via the CCTV link), but much restless activity from the adults, with plenty of new material brought to the nest. Barn Owls still on two chicks, three eggs to go. Two Little Stints dropped onto The Folly Pond briefly

28 May 2013

May 27th 2013

May 27th 2013

A cold, wet and windy day so far. Paerhaps this will push in a migrating skua or two as the spring tide rises towards 2.30pm? Otherwise not a great deal to report, with precious little singing or displaying in the attrocious conditions. Things very much a

27 May 2013

Sightings 26th May 2013

Sightings 26th May 2013

Our Barn Owls, visible on CCTV at the centre have hatched the first of their 5 eggs, similarly we anticipate the CCTV'd Ospreys to begin hatching any time now, maybe today, though no sign of a chick at time of writing. Elsewhere the reserve is fairly qui

26 May 2013

Caerlaverock, Wed 8th May

Caerlaverock, Wed 8th May

Becoming a wet day. The usual song birds in the avenues supplemented by 2 Common Whitethroats near The Avenue Tower and a Lesser Redpoll on one of the seed feeders. No Barnacles to be seen now, as expected, likewise the 3 Whoopers have vacated The Floodgr

8 May 2013

Caerlaverock sightings 7.5.13

Caerlaverock sightings 7.5.13

A scan from The Farmhouse Tower today would indicate that the Barnacle Geese have finally left us. 40 could be found yesterday, 800 on Sunday past.  Two Whooper Swans do remain on The Floodground though. Golden Plovers are still coming through, resplende

7 May 2013

Caerlaverock 6/4/2013 update

Caerlaverock 6/4/2013 update

A few minutes after last update we at last have a pair of Ospreys on the nest. One unringed and one ringed but as yet unidentified... YIPPEE!!

6 April 2013