Caerlaverock news

Recent Sightings 12.07.23

Recent Sightings 12.07.23

Frequent heavy showers between bursts of bright sunshine have been the common trend this July and with summer well underway, you will be treated to a fantastic variety of wetland life at WWT Caerlaverock.At the Folly Pond, oystercatchers, black headed gul

12 July 2023

Recent Sightings 02.07.23

Recent Sightings 02.07.23

The heatwave of June has officially passed and we are getting lots more rain now, but it is still consistently bright most days. The long warm days are great for spotting butterflies, moths and dragonflies around the reserve. In the Paddocks this week,

2 July 2023

Butterflies and hatchlings - recent sightings to 25th June

Butterflies and hatchlings - recent sightings to 25th June

Our week has been pretty quiet in terms of birdlife but we have had some fantastic sightings nonetheless: a female marsh harrier was flying over the merse and one of our wardens was lucky enough to see it catching prey from only 20 metres away! There are

25 June 2023

Moth mayhem and other recent sightings

Moth mayhem and other recent sightings

We have entered summer – it has been extremely warm for the last fortnight with temperatures exceeding 30° Celsius! There has been lots of fantastic stuff seen around the reserve, from birds to mammals to insects.There are still lots of chicks about, w

18 June 2023

Welcome to wildflower season (and more recent sightings)

Welcome to wildflower season (and more recent sightings)

At this time of year, you are able to enjoy a reserve which is vibrant with colour: wildflowers are coming into bloom. Meandering along the summer trail, as well as enjoying the dragon and damselflies (recent highlights include the four-spotted chaser

3 June 2023

Dragonflies, damselflies and cygnets - recent sightings

Dragonflies, damselflies and cygnets - recent sightings

A walk through the wildflower meadow and out along the Lochar would not be complete without seeing dragon and damselflies aplenty, and you can tell by our recent sightings that’s what is exciting us here at Caerlaverock at the moment. These carnivorous

27 May 2023

The Nesting Season at Caerlaverock (and recent sightings)

The Nesting Season at Caerlaverock (and recent sightings)

The nesting season is well underway and our site hosts a wide variety of resident and summer migrants raising chicks which will hopefully fledge in the coming weeks. Species like great tits will use the natural landscape such as old woodpecker’s holes

22 May 2023

A reserve alive with busy insects and birdsong

A reserve alive with busy insects and birdsong

As the days lengthen, the reserve becomes more and more alive with birdsong and the constant humming of busy insects. Although certainly quieter than it is in winter time without our enormous flocks of barnacle geese, teal and wigeon, there is a kind of p

13 May 2023

More warblers, butterflies and amphibians

More warblers, butterflies and amphibians

Our glorious spring weather continues and with it, our spring migrant birds continue to flock in, among them sedge, garden and grasshopper warblers and an osprey has been seen carrying its lunch! Mallard pairs have been spotted with their ducklings. As

6 May 2023

Summer migrants and other recent sightings

Summer migrants and other recent sightings

This week on the reserve, we have seen an influx of summer migrants that have made journeys from across the globe, with the majority returning from Africa. Hirundines (a family of passerine songbirds), such as swallows and sand martins, have been spotte

16 April 2023

Spring sightings

Spring sightings

Spring has definitely arrived in full force as we head into April. There has continued to be lots of chiffchaff seen (and heard!) around the reserve as well as our first confirmed sightings of sand martins and swallows from the Peter Scott Observatory. Mo

9 April 2023

Large Flocks of Knots from the Saltcot

Large Flocks of Knots from the Saltcot

We’ve had another busy fortnight at WWT Caerlaverock Wetlands Centre. You can feel spring in the air and there are snowdrops popping up all over the place. However, our wintering ducks, waders and geese are still around in flocks and will be for some we

15 February 2023

Marsh Harrier and Otters

Marsh Harrier and Otters

In the last fortnight, we've continued to have a significant number of raptors around: people have been reporting hen harrier, peregrine falcon and kestrel, as well as a marsh harrier! These are a much less common occurrence here than other birds of prey.

22 January 2023

Goosander and Flocks of Winter Waders

Goosander and Flocks of Winter Waders

We’ve had a great start to the New Year here at WWT Caerlaverock! Our Big Bird Challenge started on the 1st of January with the placement students being pitted against the wardens to see who can spot the most species of birds before the end of the month

6 January 2023

Species spotlight - Little grebe

Species spotlight - Little grebe

The Little Grebe or ‘Dabchick’ is a common resident and winter migrant of the UK with around 16,000 individuals present each winter. Although they are common, Little Grebes are elusive. Opting to stay hidden amongst vegetation on the edges of lakes, p

23 November 2022