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We are making internal and external improvements to our visitor centre during the week beginning Mon 9 Sept.
You may experience noise and find seated limited in the centre.
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Wildflower peak and cattle egrets

The fabulous display of wildflowers this month include meadow cranesbill, purple loosestrife, great burnet, bird’s-foot trefoil, meadow vetchling, tufted vetch, black knapweed and hemp agrimony. Meadowsweet is growing in abundance across the reserve – look out for lumps on the leaves, caused by the gall midge Dasineura ulmaria. Yellow loosestrife is also flowering now – look out for yellow loosestrife bees foraging for pollen and the flower oils from this plant. Yellow loosestrife bees are rare and reliant on wetlands. They are the only UK species that collect flower oils, and use it to waterproof their nest chambers and to mix with pollen to feed their larvae.

Cattle egrets are still showing at the hides this week as well as cormorants and grey heron. Sand martins are active at the nesting bank at Sand martin hide still as is a kingfisher at the bank on Arun Riverlife lagoon.

Mallards and many other ducks are in summer eclipse moult and all looking very drab and brown when they can be spotted as many are in hiding. Still there is alot to see with smaller birds about and stunning summer wildflowers reaching their peak.

This week's highlights are a (juvenile?) marsh harrier in the reedbed and catching a barn owl roosting in a hide.

Wed 24 July

Pelican cove: 1 tufted duck

Lakes & Forest exhibit: 1 mandarin duck

Wood Loop: 4 mandarin ducks, 4 goldcrests, 1 nuthatch

Willow Sphere: 1 tufted duck, 1 gadwall

Scrape hide: 1 great spotted woodpecker, 1 goldfinch, 2 gadwall, 4 wood pigeons, 4 tufted ducks, 1 blue tit, 1 reed warbler, 5 juvenile shoveler ducks, 10 mallards, 2 sand martins, 1 coot, 3 greenfinches, 1 moorhen, 2 sand martins, 30 gadwall.

Martin hide: c 30 sand martins, 3 cattle egrets, 1 stock dove, 1 house martin

Ramsar hide: 17 cattle egrets, 3 cormorants, 8 gadwall, 1 teal

Willow arbour path: 1 grass snake

Tues 23 July

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 45 greylag geese, 1 mute swan, 1 kingfisher

Scrape hide: 6 sand martins

Ramsar and Sand Martin hide: 33 greylag gees, 15 mallards, 1 kingfisher, 25 gadwall, 1 tufted ducks, 2 mandarins, 26 black-headed gulls, 1 moorhen, 4 coots, 1 goldfinch, 20 sand martins, 8 Canada geese, 1 cattle egret, 1 cormorant, 2 teal.

Mon 22 July

Arun Riverlife: 20 cattle egrets

Sun 21 July

Wetland Discovery: 2 pied wagtails

Ramsar & Sand martin hides: 25 sand martins

Woodland loop: 1 great spotted woodpecker

Sat 20 July

Arun Riverlife: 38 greylag geese, 2 Canada geese, 1 grey heron, 5 black-headed gulls, 1 chiff chaff, 5 tufted ducks, 6 mallards, 2 blue tits, 1 kingfisher, 12 gadwall, 1 mandarin duck, c 30 sand martins, 1 cormorant, 1 pochard

Pelican Cove: 2 grey wagtails

Lapwing hide: 1 barn owl roosting in the hide, 1 grey heron.

Fri 19 July

Woodland Loop: 1 herring gull, 5 mandarin ducks, 3 long-tailed tits, 4 tufted ducks, 3 mallards, 3 great tits, 1 wren, 1 blackbird, 1 blackcap, 2 robins, 1 song thrush

Scrape hide: 1 oystercatcher flying over, 1 juvenile marsh harrier leaving the reedbed

Thurs 18 July

Ramsar and Sand martin hides: 2 cormorants, 2 carrion crows

Car park: 2 oystercatchers flying overhead

Reedbed & Willow sphere: 3 moorhens, 6 blue tits, 2 reed warblers, 6 goldfinches, 66 mallards, 2 gadwall, 1 Canada goose, 1 male marsh harrier

Scrape hide: 1 song thrush, 1 grey heron, 2 large lagoon, 15 sand martins

Wednesday 17 July

Arun Riverlife: 5 tufted ducks, 1 pochard, 2 gadwall

Woodland loop: 4 mandarin ducks, 4 moorhen

Reedbed carr woodland: 1 water rail

Long path: 4 mute swans 2 adults with 2 cygnets

Willow Sphere: 3 tufted duck

Scrape hide: 1 reed warbler, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 2 greylag geese, 1 coot, 2 wood pigeons, 6 mallard ducks, 4 tufted ducks, 1 moorhen, 1 gadwall, 1 greenfinch, 1 goldfinch, 1 shoveler, 1 teal

Sand martin hide: 4 gadwall, 1 kingfisher, 1 oystercatcher, c 40 sand martins, 2 mandarin ducks, 1 house martin

Ramsar hide: 2 cormorants, 2 little egrets, 1 mandarin duck, 7 gadwall, 2 tufted ducks, 2 teal

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