Building Works

We are making internal and external improvements to our visitor centre during the week beginning Mon 9 Sept.
You may experience noise and find seated limited in the centre.
On Wed 11 Sept the café is closed with no food service and no indoor seating.


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Kingfishers & cattle egrets

Plenty of kingfisher comings and goings around nest box hole #5. Cattle egrets still in breeding plumage around Ramsar hide.

Plenty of kingfisher activity around nest box hole #5 on the Nesting Bank on Arun Riverlife Lagoon - thanks for the photo Mike Jerome. Cattle egrets showing, still in breeding plumage on the islands between Ramsar & Sand martin hides.

There's a pair of swans who still have 2 cygnets on the old trumpeter swan pen just before the approach to the Scrape hide.

Greenfinches, goldfinches, tits, song thrush, reed warblers and a black cap spotted this week.

Lovely dragon and damselfly sightings banded demoiselle, brown hawker dragonflies, loads of red eyed damselflies and a four spotted chaser dragonfly.

Tues 16 July

Sand martin & Ramsar hides (Large Lagoon): 1 oystercatcher, 1 teal, 5 coots, 3 moorhens, 2 woodpigeons, 9 gadwall, 5 tufted ducks, 23 black-headed gulls, 17 mallards, 3 mandarin ducks, 3 great tits, 1 green finch, 1 pochard, 1 little egret, 1 cattle egret, 8 sand martins, 1 cormorant

Scrape hide: 1 pochard, 1 mute swan with 2 cygnets

Mon 15 July

Lapwing hide: 1 male kingfisher, 1 sedge warbler, 3 mallards, 1 moorhen, 1 wren

Ramsar & Sand martin hides: 5 male juvenile shovelr, 1 mandarin, 1 male marsh harrier, 2 mute swans with 2 cygnets, 15 sand martins

Scrape hide: 4 little egrets, 1 sedge warblers, 1 song thrush, 1 kingfisher

Arun Riverlife: 1 kingfisher, 1 greenfinch

Wetland Discovery: 3 banded demoiselle, 3 brown hawker dragonflies, c40 red eyed damselflies including pairs in tandem, 1 four spotted chaser dragonfly

Sun 14 July

Wetland Discovery area: 1 ied wagtail, 1 coot, 2 hiffchaffs, 7 Canada geese, 2 carrion crow, 5 goldfinches2 mute swans, 1 brown hawker dragonfly

Ramsar & Sand martin hide: 2 little egrets.

Scrape hide: a pair of mating tufted duck

Sat 13 July

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 2 Canada geese, 6 black-headed gull including 4 juveniles, 20 mallards, 2 tufted ducks, 5 coots, 1 gadwall, 2 wood pigeons, 8 goldfinches, 1 greenfinch singing, 1 reed warbler singing, 1 grey wagtail

Ramsar and Sand martin hides: 1 kestrel, c30 sand martins, 1 cackling goose, 1 reed warbler,1 sedge warbler, 1 cattle egret,, 2 mute swans with 2 cygnets

Fri 12 July

Wood Loop: 5 chaffinches, 2 moorhens plus 2 chicks, 2 manadarin ducks, 1 female tufted duck, 2 grey wagtails, 1 blackbird, 4 blue tits, 2 great tits

Ramsar hide: 10 cattle egrets.

Thurs 11 July

Reedbed & Willow sphere: 24 mallards, 1 Canada goose, 6 wood pigeons, 4 gofld finches, 3 green finches, 4 sedge warblers, 2 coots, 3 moorhen, 6 greylag geese,2 black-headed gulls, 4 great tits, 2 robins, 4 blue tits,1 reed warbler, 1 great spotted woodpecker, 1 herring gull, 1 black cap.

Ramsar and Sand martin hide: 9 cattle egrets, 1 grey heron

Front pond: 1 comma butterfly

Black rabbit triangle: willow emerald damselfly

Arun Riverlife: 1 kingfisher

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