Latest sightings

Beautiful Kites!

Beautiful Kites!

With the exception of high winds, the reserve is bathed in glorious sunshine and we were treated to 4 Red Kites flying low over the reserve this morning. The woodland lodge and stag beetle feed areas were busy this morning. Blue tits, Great tits, Longta

6 February 2013

A Bar Headed Goose!

A Bar Headed Goose!

LAPWING HIDE; 4 Common Shelduck, 4 Lapwing, 3 Teal, 2 Canadian Geese, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen. RAMSAR & SANDMARTIN HIDES; 20 Teal, 2 Cormorant, 19 Lapwing, 17 Common Shelduck, 32 Gadwall, 15 Snipe, 1 Eygptian goose, 1 Bar Headed goose, 21 Greylag geese

4 February 2013

Todays morning sightings

Todays morning sightings

LAPWING HIDE; 11 Lapwing, 2 Gadwall, 6 Teal, 9 Mute swans. RAMSAR & SANDMARTIN HIDES; 1 Grey heron, 11 Greylag geese, 3 Cormorants, 24 Canadian geese, 18 Gadwall, 37 Tufted duck, 12 Pochard, 14 Common Shelduck, 9 Lapwing, 16 Teal, 43 Snipe, Black head

1 February 2013

Bittern...... again!

Bittern...... again!

The kingfishers are particuarly busy at the moment, wizzing around the world wetlands enclosure, by the long path and from the sand martin hide. As water levels continue to rise around the reserve, good numbers of tufted duck, pochard, common shelduck, co

31 January 2013

Late bittern

Late bittern

The Bittern was spotted again at last light yesterday, drifting low across the reedbed from left to right. Come and see if you can spot him!

29 January 2013

Sunday Sun!

Sunday Sun!

The usual suspects out in the glorious winter sunshine; Ramsar and Sandmartin hides 9 Snipe, 4 lapwing, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Grey Heron, 8 Tufted Duck, 7 Teal, 20 Gadwall, 3 Cormorants, 6 Shelduck, 2 Egyptian geese, 1 Little Grebe, 1 Pochard Scrape Hide 12 Tea

27 January 2013



After not seeing a Bittern for a week, Mike Dilger spotted one late yesterday afternoon. We had just arrived at the Scrape hide and the bird took off from the far back  edge, where visitors had been spotted it previously. The bird flew across the reed

26 January 2013

A cold snap

A cold snap

The weather has certainly been cold but it has brought the Bewick's swans in overnight, upto 29 in a night. There has been 3 seperate viewings of the bittern, but nothing this week. All the usual beauties are showing well; Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Longtailed

25 January 2013



This morning the second sighting of a Bittern was had by one of our younger visitors, who managed a few pictures to confirm. While watching from the scrape hide a bittern flew up and drifted into the main reedbed in front of the reedbed hide.

14 January 2013

Floods of water and birds!!

Floods of water and birds!!

Recent flooding of the grounds and reserve have caused many changes. Some birds have decreased such as Snipe and Shelduck, being replaced by higher numbers of Teal (100-200), Gadwall (40) and Lapwing (120). Kingfishers, Little Grebe, Cormorant and Grey He

30 December 2012

Snipe bonanza!

Snipe bonanza!

Incredible numbers of Snipe with between 70-80 visible most days, mainly from the Scrape and Sand Martin hides. True numbers we can only guess at, but in recent times this is an all time high. Kingfishers are still continuing to delight visitors, again th

19 December 2012

Pintail sighting

Pintail sighting

Excitement this morning as three Pintail arrived in front of the Sand Martin hide. The two drakes were in fine plumage and with the morning sunshine they lit up the scrape. Kingfishers showing really well today from Ramsar, Sand martin and Scrape hides. A

25 November 2012

I spy snipe!

I spy snipe!

Good counts of  Snipe this morning with a total of over 30 that could actually be seen. Majority were from the Ramsar and Sand martin hides. Kingfishers continue to be seen on a regular daily basis, along with Cormorants and Grey herons. 38 Teal in front

18 November 2012

Summer / Autumn change over

Summer / Autumn change over

The Autumn migration is now operating in both directions. Warblers and hirundines continue to pass through on their way south to warmer climes and the winter visitors from the far north begin to arrive. Highlight today was a Spotted Flycatcher near the Ra

11 October 2012

Kingfisher gems

Kingfisher gems

Although Kingfishers have been showing well around most of the reserve, for those who can be prepared to wait, there is the chance of seeing an individual which has been using the perches in front of the sand martin hide. Morning and late afternoon seem t

27 September 2012