Latest sightings

More sand martins!

More sand martins!

During the week numbers of Sand martins at any one time reached around 100 with lots of these perching right in front of the hide. House martins and Swallows were also mixed in with the flock. Other migrants were Common sandpipers, Sedge warbler and White

24 August 2014

Sand martin pit stop

Sand martin pit stop

Today brought around 40 Sand Martins outside the sand martin hide. A dozen at a time were perching just outside the viewing windows giving incredibly close encounters of these birds before they leave our shores for Africa. A mixture of adults and youngste

15 August 2014

Weather changes

Weather changes

After all the warm weather it felt more like early Autumn this morning. This was enhanced by the presence of at least a dozen Sand martins busily feeding over the water in front of the Sand Martin Hide, occasionally flying close to the nest bank. Sighting

10 August 2014

Little egrets

Little egrets

A pair of Little egrets today to the right of the Ramsar hide were busy preening each other before dispersing to fish alongside a Grey heron. Three Shoveler, several Teal and many Greylag and Canada geese were also present from the hide. A single Sand Mar

3 August 2014

Signs of Migration!

Signs of Migration!

Swallow and martins have been increasing this week with over one hundred over the reedbed this morning. Several Sand martins have been spotted in amongst the flocks. Blackcap singing would also point to some of these warblers beginning their migration as

27 July 2014

Kingfisher regulars?

Kingfisher regulars?

We could well be seeing a return of regular sightings of Kingfishers with one known sighting yesterday and two today. All these were seen in different parts of the reserve so could be seen anywhere from the ditches to wetlands discovery boat safari. Littl

13 July 2014

Tern around!

Tern around!

After the sad loss of the male Common tern, it was warming to see another pair briefly around the reserve at the beginning of the week roosting on the new island on Arun riverlife. Was it our female with a new mate or a different pair? Hopefully next year

22 June 2014

Sunshine and heat

Sunshine and heat

The whole reserve is literally buzzing with life. Scores of Canada and greylag geese goslings, Mute swan cygnets, Mallard, Gadwall, Shelduck and Tufted duck ducklings and Black headed gull chicks abound. Swallows are feeding young at two nests in our h

13 June 2014

Day of the Grebes

Day of the Grebes

A pair of Great crested grebes this morning from the Ramsar hide were a welcome return with many sightings of individuals over the last few days. A Little grebe was also on wetlands discovery, calling in the hope of attracting a mate. The Oystercatchers n

26 May 2014

Baby boom

Baby boom

The Mallard ducklings from first broods are now well grown. Smaller second broods are now appearing but the other species of duck are now starting to hatch their first broods. Gadwall are the most numerous with four females from the sctrape hide with a to

21 May 2014

Cuckoo returns

Cuckoo returns

After a brief calling male Cuckoo last week, the last few days have seen a male calling above the reed bed and various other places around the perimeter of the reserve. Highlights of the week although brief were a Grasshopper warbler (heard only) and Lit

27 April 2014

Warblers arrive

Warblers arrive

Things are really hotting up and not just the weather. Sedge warblers and Reed warblers are now increasing especially in the reedbed. Whitethroats are more evident around the reserves hedgerows and Cettis warblers are blasting there song from most suitabl

21 April 2014

4th April Reserve sightings

4th April Reserve sightings

RESERVE; Pheasant, Wood pigeon, Coot & chicks, Moorhen & chicks, Great/ Blue/ Long tailed tits, Goldfinch, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Chiff chaff, Reed bunting, Wren, Cetti's warbler, Jackdaw, Rook, Water voles, Herring gulls, Robin, Blackbird, Mute swans

4 April 2014

Mediterranean presence

Mediterranean presence

During the last couple of weeks the increasing presence of the Black headed gull colony has also attracted up to 18 different Mediterranean gulls in various stages of plumage and age. This morning there were 9 individuals with one pair displaying and ano

24 March 2014

Spring underway

Spring underway

What wonderful warm sunny weather to lift the spirits after a couple of months of non stop rain and flooding. The wildlife has also responded to the warmer, longer daylight. Common Toads are spawning, butterflies such as Brimstone, Small tortoiseshell and

10 March 2014