Latest sightings

Cuckoo activity.

Cuckoo activity.

Last week there was a sighting from the wetlands discovery boat safari of a female Cuckoo leaving the reeds with an egg in her beak. This was the brief moment when a cuckoo female lays her egg in the host nest (in this case a Reed warbler) and removes one

28 June 2015

Sightings on Sunday 20 June

Sightings on Sunday 20 June

Ramsar Hide   Gadwall Tufted duck Black-headed gulls and chicks Mute Swan Herring Gull     Reedbed Hide Tufted duck & ducklings Reed Warbler Sedge warblers Reed bunting Swallows Water voles     Scrape Hide Mandarin ducks Bla

21 June 2015

Snakes alive!

Snakes alive!

During last weeks reptile survey one of our tins produced a bumper seven juvenile Grass Snakes!! Adults are being seen more regularly especially out on Wetlands discovery when the sun is shining! Two Slowworms may not sound a lot but for Arundel this is a

9 June 2015

Tuesday 2nd June 2015

Tuesday 2nd June 2015

RESERVE; Dunnock, Cetti's/ Sedge/ Reed warbler, Nuthatch, Wren, Black cap, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Great spotted woodpecker. Great/ Blue/ Long-tailed tit,  Reed bunting, Mute swan & cygnets, Mallard & ducklings, Greylag & Canada geese & gos

2 June 2015

Black-headed gulls hatching out and lots of Downy Ducklings about

Black-headed gulls hatching out and lots of Downy Ducklings about

Hope you are enjoying your Bank Holiday Monday! Between the Ramsar & Sand Martins hides the Black-headed gull chicks are hatching out, can be seen directly in front of Sand Martin hide. Shelduck ducklings can be seen on wet grassland area and on the w

25 May 2015

Bat walks and moth traps

Bat walks and moth traps

Wed 20 May Bat walk was full - they usually so sell out so book now for the August and September walks 01903 881530. Soprano & common pipistrelles were flying right over our heads. We also picked up noctule bats on the detectors and watched Daubenton'

21 May 2015

Sunday 17th May

Sunday 17th May

Good Morning All! Today's sightings are listed below. Happy spotting! RESERVE; Peregrines, Buzzards, Red kites, Pheasant, Wood pigeon, Collared dove, Moorhen & chicks, Coot & chicks, Mallard & ducklings, Greylag & Canada geese & goslin

17 May 2015

Sundays sightings

Sundays sightings

Good afternoon! Hope you are keeping well? Here are today's sightings; RESERVE; Buzzard, Red kite, Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Chiffchaff, Reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Reed bunting, Cetti's warbler, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Wood pig

10 May 2015

May 3rd 2015

May 3rd 2015

Good Morning All! After a damp start, it's turning a little drier and the animals are showing beautifully. Today's sightings (so far); RESERVE; Water voles, Reed bunting, Goldfinch, Wren, Tree Creeper, Dunnock, Bullfinch, Robin, Nuthatch, Song thrush, Ch

3 May 2015

Lapwing chicks

Lapwing chicks

Lapwing chicks have been showing well this week from the Lapwing hide with a maximum count of four this morning. Adult lapwing continue to mate and nest scrape, so hopefully more chicks will be forthcoming in the coming month. Good numbers of House martin

30 April 2015

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

  This week has seen many changes and new sightings. Canada and Greylag geese goslings are now showing well and Long tailed tits are now busy feeding their young in various nests around the reserve. Swallows and House martins are beginning to increas

23 April 2015

Bittern surprise

Bittern surprise

Yesterday morning whilst doing the usual bird count, a surprised Bittern took off from the pool next to the reedbed hide. It floated off over the reedbed and landed on the far side of the Scrape hide lagoon. Other birds of note at the moment are a Common

20 April 2015

Fabulous Friday

Fabulous Friday

Another beautiful day at Arundel and our returning migrants are starting to make an impact. REED BED; Sedge warbler, Reed Warbler, Cetti's warbler, Swallows, Reed bunting, Water rail, Water voles. SCRAPE HIDE; Tufted ducks, Common Shelduck, Canada & G

17 April 2015

Easter weekend

Easter weekend

Whats new? A handful of Swallows and Sand martins now being seen and the hatch of Mallard ducklings has begun. Bumblebees were more active to day with several different species now flying, Tree, Buff tailed and Early. At least 6 female Lapwing now sitting

5 April 2015

Good Friday

Good Friday

RESERVE SIGHTINGS; Water voles, Cetti's warbler, Reed bunting, Dunnock, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Blue/Great/Long tailed tit, Pheasant, Wood pigeon, Collard dove, Mandarin duck, Moorhen, Coot & young, Mallard & duck

3 April 2015