Latest sightings

Icy ponds & frozen mud makes hungry birds bolder

Icy ponds & frozen mud makes hungry birds bolder

Long-tailed tit from a small flock of four near the feeding bay   Paul Stevens' Wildlife Sightings column appears every Thursday in the Chichester Observer newspaper. IT’S ANOTHER cold and bright Monday morning

5 December 2016

A flush of snipe and squabbling egrets

A flush of snipe and squabbling egrets

  Paul Steven's weekly wildlife sightings column runs every Thursday in the Chichester Observer, Bognor Regis Observer and Littlehampton Gazette. November 24, 2016 Marsh harrier coming into roost in the lost reedbed.

24 November 2016

18 snipe at Scrape hide on Wednesday

18 snipe at Scrape hide on Wednesday

A snipe blending in with the reeds at the waters edge.                                 Morning sightings from our wardens. Wed 2 Nov Wer

3 November 2016

Plenty of kingfishers sightings

Plenty of kingfishers sightings

Kingfisher photographed on Sun 30 Oct by Anthony Plummer                                     Sun 30 Oct Grounds and reserve: k

31 October 2016

Shelduck number increasing at Ramsar hide

Shelduck number increasing at Ramsar hide

Shelduck feeding - WWT stock photo           Sunday 23 Oct Sighted at Ramsar Hide by Guide-in-the-hide Peter. 2 Cormorant, 5 shelducks, 4 teal, 5 shoveler, 1 grey heron, 4 gadwall. Saturday 2

23 October 2016

Teal numbers increasing

Teal numbers increasing

Little grebe sightings on Arun Riverlife Sunday           Sightings from Mon 17 Oct Wetlands Discovery area: pochard (2), tufted duck (25), snipe (2), gray wagtail, shoveler, teal (2), wigeon,

17 October 2016

Recent sightings

Recent sightings

Fri  14 October Lapwing hide: Water rail, teal, mallard Ramsar & Sandmartin hides: grey wagtail, shoveler, teal, gadwall, mallard, Canada geese, mute swans, black-headed-gull Scarpe hide: kingfisher, grey heron, teal, shoveler, gadwall Reserve: kingf

16 October 2016

Siskin and lesser redpoll sighted on Saturday

Siskin and lesser redpoll sighted on Saturday

Recent sightings by WWT wardens on their morning walk around plus Guide-in-the-hide sightings from Dave on Saturday: Monday 10 Oct Wetlands Discovery area: Lapwing, raven, rook, blackbird, wren, dunnock Lapwing hide: goldfinch, Cetti's warbler, black-hea

10 October 2016

What was wild this weekend

What was wild this weekend

Here's what our wardens saw in the morning counts this weekend: Green woodpeckers sighted again on Saturday                         Fri 30 Sept Reserve: Bull

2 October 2016

Sightings wrap up of wc Sept 19

Sightings wrap up of wc Sept 19

We are still seeing a juvenile osprey around the reserve five weeks after the first sightings in August. We believe it is the same bird but it isn’t ringed so we can confirm. Initially this young raptor was seen throughout the day, hovering and diving f

29 September 2016

Osprey sighting Tuesday, stonechat on Wednesday & 22 gadwall on Thursday

Osprey sighting Tuesday, stonechat on Wednesday & 22 gadwall on Thursday

Numbers of gorgeous gadwall increasing                             Tues 20 Sept Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: shoveler, teal, gadwall, mallard, bl

22 September 2016

Sand martins, a green sandpiper and a hungry hobby.

Sand martins, a green sandpiper and a hungry hobby.

A convolvulus hawk moth on the boat jetty. Photo by Jon Boon.   Wilidfe Sightings for week of Sept 12-18 by Paul Stevens. OVER ONE THOUSAND sand martins and house martins were hawking insects low over the reserve on

19 September 2016

Weekend's sightings include osprey & sand martins

Weekend's sightings include osprey & sand martins

Species sightings for Sat 17 Sept Sand martins are really moving through the reserve now mixed in flocks with house martins. Photo by Keith Humphrey Lapwing hide: teal, snipe, pheasant, mallard, wood pigeon. Ramsar &a

18 September 2016

Osprey on the hangar this morning

Osprey on the hangar this morning

A buzzard (left) chases off the juvenile osprey at Arundel on Tuesday. Photo: Russell Tofts After showing well around the reserve yesterday, including low passes over Wetlands Discovery area, the osprey was seen above

14 September 2016

Heat & sun brings out the dragonflies

Heat & sun brings out the dragonflies

Mostly migrant hawkers out today but there are a few southern hawkers around, too. Paul Stevens photographed this southern hawker last weekend at Arundel. Gorgeous sunny day - lots of migrant hawker dragonflies about

13 September 2016