Latest sightings

Beaucoup birds of prey & swimming snakes

Beaucoup birds of prey & swimming snakes

A kestrel hovers high above the reedbed after spotting prey on Sun 24 Sept. Birds of prey are showing well across the reserve at Arundel Wetland Centre now. On Sunday we had two red kites, five buzzards and two hobbie

28 September 2017

Abundance of bats & berries

Abundance of bats & berries

Kingfisher near the Ramsar hide photographed by visitor Karen Diton. LIKE THE LEAVES in the Offham Hangar changing colour the increase in the number of water rail on site is a sign that autumn is here. We are hearing

19 September 2017

Why did the harvest mouse cross the road?

Why did the harvest mouse cross the road?

This blackcap is one of many on the reserve this week. SMALL WARBLERS continue to appear across the reserve at Arundel Wetland Centre as they drop in on their migration southward. Our guide-in-the-hide David Harper re

11 September 2017

600 sand martins, Daubenton's bats and neonate snake

600 sand martins, Daubenton's bats and neonate snake

Neonate grass snake. There is a lot happening at Arundel Wetland Centre at this time of year but it does require spending a bit of time in one of the hides and watching with patience to catch the action. The ‘secret

5 September 2017

A whinchat, a stork & a spotted flycatcher

A whinchat, a stork & a spotted flycatcher

Kingfisher on the jetty photographed by Anthony Plummer Wildlife Sightings blog by WWT Arundel Reserve Manager Paul Stevens. There were 22 sightings of kingfishers on Sunday morning from the Ramsar hide. Guide in the

27 August 2017

Fledged sand martin & more kingfishers

Fledged sand martin & more kingfishers

Demoiselle spotted from the Wetlands Discovery Boat Safari by visitor Rachel Calver Late August is a time of transition around the wetland reserve.  Summery species like red admiral butterflies, holly blues and brown

23 August 2017

Sand martin nest, kingfishers return & martins on the move

Sand martin nest, kingfishers return & martins on the move

Sand martins checking out nest holes in the sand martin hide in previous years. This is the weekly wildlife sightings blog by Reserve Manager Paul Stevens. When sand martins began to check out the holes in our artific

8 August 2017

Rarae aquatic plants and an abundance of bats

Rarae aquatic plants and an abundance of bats

Weekly wildlife blog from WWT Arundel Wetland Centre by Reserve Manager Paul Stevens. On Saturday David had 12 kingfisher sightings during his morning guide in the hide session! He also spotted a juvenile redshank and a common sandpiper all from the Ramsa

1 August 2017

Clubtail dragonfly is back

Clubtail dragonfly is back

A clubtail dragonfly photographed along the Wetland Discovery Boat Safari on Sat 8 July by WWT guide & driver Simon Wotton   The elusive Gomphus vulgatissimus is back at Arundel Wetland Centre. Boat driver Si

11 July 2017

Bat survey, wildflower walk & squabbling oystercatchers

Bat survey, wildflower walk & squabbling oystercatchers

Get your macro lenses - the ruby tailed wasps are out! The following is Paul Steven's weekly Wildlife Sightings column that appears in the Chichester Observer newspaper. Our Guides-in-the-Hide David Harper spotted an

3 July 2017

Thousands of toadlets emerge

Thousands of toadlets emerge

Heavy rain prompted a mass emergence of toadlets at Arundel Wetland Centre It rained heavily in Arundel last Thursday morning. The dense rain signalled ‘go’ to the toadlets living in the reedbed at the entrance to

29 June 2017

Ruby-tailed wasps and emerging dragonflies

Ruby-tailed wasps and emerging dragonflies

  A four-spotted chaser perches at the raised pond This is the weekly Wildlife Sightings column by Paul Sevens, as it appears in the Chichester Observer Newspaper June 22, 2107 A bright male bullfinch on the wir

22 June 2017

Wild orchids, sand martins & tufted ducklings

Wild orchids, sand martins & tufted ducklings

Broad-bodied chaser dragonfly On Monday morning I spotted three sand martins inspecting the nesting holes in the artificial sand banks of the Sand Martin hide. This is the third sighting of sand martins checking out t

6 June 2017

Dragonflies beginning to emerge

Dragonflies beginning to emerge

A newly emerged broad-bodied chaser dragonfly. A kingfisher has made a reappearance at the Scrape hide, along the boat safari channels and at the Tundra Pen. This male is stopping in for quick fishing trips and is tak

18 May 2017

Nest building Linnets & lesser spotted woodpecker

Nest building Linnets & lesser spotted woodpecker

  Male Shoveler . Our wardens did a  diving and dabbling ducks survey at Arundel Wetland Centre on Monday morning. The number of males in each species gives us an idea of how many possible pairs could be breedin

8 May 2017