Wetland Bird Survey Totals - 16/11/2020

A monthly count over the winter of all the wetland birds on the reserve

Great egret - 2
Cattle egret - 11
Little egret - 2
Grey heron - 5
Mute swan - 34
Whooper swan - 11
Egyptian goose - 2
Greylag goose - 229
Canada goose - 76
Pink-footed goose - 1
Shelduck - 1
Wigeon - 2626
Gadwall - 98
Teal - 1417
Mallard - 369
Pintail - 151
Shoveler - 332
Pochard - 634
Tufted duck - 370
Water rail - 1
Moorhen - 3
Coot - 231
Golden plover - 550
Lapwing - 5433
Dunlin - 2
Ruff - 2
Snipe - 18
Black-tailed godwit - 1523
Redshank - 6
Kingfisher - 1
Common crane - 10
Marsh harrier - 5
Buzzard - 6
Kestrel - 2
Stonechat - 2
Meadow pipit - 6
Linnet - 138
Cetti's warbler - 2
Fieldfare - 220

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